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29 thoughts on “A very special weekend lunchtime photo

    1. AnnieDunkin

      My buddy's mother makes $50 per hour working on the computer (Personal Computer). She hasn’t had a job for a long, yet this month she earned $11,500 by working just on her computer for 9 hours every day.

      Read this article for more details...

    1. KawSunflower

      Sort of surprised that someone on Jabberwocking would show familiarity with this Longfellow poem/carol, but it happens to be the one I loved & tried to sing at age two, pee family lore.

      I never could carry a tune, but think i need the words now more than ever

  1. Lady Mary

    Why, Kevin, Why????? I was hoping for some cute kitty photos to roll into the new year, not this reminding me that I should get to the gym.

    1. rich1812

      Same question but from someone that goes to the gym daily - at 73. But it's the body language and not just the photo that puzzles me.

  2. NealB

    I like fewer-fucks-to-give Kevin. Less interested in proving anything anymore and more interested in getting it right. Awesome several jabberwocking years here! We'd never fit in, but Wisconsin loves California. Thanks for daily forays into fact-finding, analysis, and reporting. Still awfully good after all these years. (and yes of course still influential, thank goodness)

  3. bschief

    You usually provide us with details about the camera you used, exposure time, shutter speed, etc. Also did you merge multiple images in Photoshop? Happy New Year in about an hour! And many thanks for all you do.

  4. Adam Strange

    Dude! Very bold of you (I certainly couldn't post a picture of me), but you don't look happy.

    A better diet and enough exercise to feel good would help, because you need to stick around. You're the only blogger I read who consistently makes any sense.

    The best advice I ever read on "Putting on Weight" came from Robert Townsend in his book "Up the Organization".
    "A sure sign of frustration.....Remove the cause and the weight will come off."

    I'm still working on this, myself, but then, while I'm older than you and should know the sources of my frustrations by now, I'm not as good at research as you are.

    Happy New Year!, and here's wishing you many, many more.

  5. Talphon

    I doubt any brilliant mind would look very happy trapped in a body that seems intent on self-destructing, not to mention the normal indignities of aging. I'm in my forties and its pretty unpleasant already, though I'm quite a bit heavier.

    That being said, I don't think Kevin looks bad, just a bit sad.

    1. ScentOfViolets

      Count Floyd sez, "Alright, it wasn't scary. But they were depressed. Those people. And all those faces at the end."

  6. D_Ohrk_E1

    If I may, I'd add the title, "Life ain't all fucking roses. But I try."

    This is a great image of unadulterated honesty.

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