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Living on the street drops 10% in Los Angeles

The last 24 hours have been a big ol' slop bucket of bad news, so here's a little bit of positive news:

The number of homeless people in the city of Los Angeles went down only slightly, but a lot more of them are now being sheltered. The number living on the street declined 10% in the past year.

Los Angeles has one of the worst homeless problems in the country, so it's a relief to see the numbers stop rising and genuinely good news to see that more of them are finding shelter. I've been a skeptic of LA's endless plans to fight homelessness, but maybe they're finally having an impact.

2 thoughts on “Living on the street drops 10% in Los Angeles

  1. D_Ohrk_E1

    With the Grants Pass decision allowing cities to clear out houseless persons and give them fines, what incentive is there left for cities to build more shelters and housing? Goodness of their hearts? We didn't reach this point overnight.

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