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Biden is suddenly OK this morning?

This is just nuts:

What the hell happened last night? Putting aside Biden's seeming cognitive issues, his voice was barely audible or understandable during the debate. I had to turn up the TV volume a lot just to make out what he was saying. But today, he's clear as a bell and you might want to turn the volume down before listening to this clip.


113 thoughts on “Biden is suddenly OK this morning?

  1. kenalovell

    I've never witnessed such a nauseating spectacle as the mass panic that engulfed liberals on the internet over a couple of hours last night. It was astonishing.

    Biden's campaign team was too clever by half in setting the rules of engagement for the event. The absence of an audience meant that both candidates were speaking in a vacuum, which is quite unsettling. Any experienced public speaker knows how important it is to get feedback from listeners, even if it's only facial expressions. Things were not improved by moderators under instructions not to fact check or argue with the candidates, meaning Biden faced the dilemma of whether to try to answer the question he'd been asked, or to respond to Trump's bullshit. Nobody has yet been able to resolve that dilemma satisfactorily.

    Trump overcame the lack-of-feedback problem by simply launching into the greatest hits from his standard rally speech, regardless of the question he'd been asked. He must be able to do that in his sleep. Biden struggled, which was disappointing. However, there's also this:

    51.27 million viewers watched CNN’s debate between Biden and Trump
    That’s nearly 22 million fewer than the viewers who watched the candidates’ first debate in 2020.

    It's more than 30 million fewer than the audience for the first Trump/Hillary debate in 2016. In other words Americans are getting less interested in "debates". I imagine most viewers last night watched simply to enjoy the contest, hoping their man would win. Democrats will have been disappointed, but I doubt many voters watching would have been persuaded by Trump's vacuous windbaggery to switch their support to him.

    1. Jimm

      I think it's more people don't care all that much about presidential debates in late June when summertime is really gaining steam, folks will be more interested in September and October.

  2. NealB

    Good days and less. I'm sticking with Biden, just for precedent's sake. Good presidents deserve to be re-elected. Great presidents, like Biden, it's not a question. Lots to hold out for in a second Biden term. Like Drum said day before yesterday, this debate will be completely forgotten in a few days. Biden now more than ever. (Republicans sing along: ...More than ever, more than ever we need Biden now!)

  3. Kit

    I found it funny to imagine we were living in a parallel universe where Trump suffered an embarrassing debate only to seeming look find the next day. In that light, I went to read the comments…

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