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Bonus Saturday cat blogging

After my progress report on Charlie yesterday I received a tsunami of demands for video evidence of Hilbert finally getting used to having a little brother around and playing cheerfully with him. I live to serve, so here it is.

9 thoughts on “Bonus Saturday cat blogging

  1. kenalovell

    Any time I tried to video my dogs playing, one of them would sit down and lick their genitals. I gave up the attempt.

  2. bebopman

    So much for my idea that Charlie provides The Big H with more exercise than he’s used to. Hilbert has to move only 2 limbs to win every time. It is now more difficult for Hilbert to be bored and it is incredibly adorable.

  3. Vog46


    Cute as a button, but then they turn into cats.
    I'm sure Hilbert will let you know when Charlie has reached the stage of being a Cat.
    The intolerance will be noticeable

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