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BREAKING: No contempt charges for Garland

The Department of Justice, headed by Merrick B. Garland, has told House Republicans—who held Merrick B. Garland in contempt two days ago—that it will not be pursuing charges against Merrick B. Garland, who is their boss.

I'm glad that's all cleared up.

14 thoughts on “BREAKING: No contempt charges for Garland

  1. OldFlyer

    Payback for all the times Cheeto Von Tweeto directed all his staff and cabinet NOT to appear at Pelosi's inquiries and impeachment hearings

    1. SharellJenkins

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  2. Rattus Norvegicus

    Note: the refusal was because executive privilege was exercised. This has not been considered to be contempt for at least 70 years.

  3. bbleh

    Yeah let’s be clear here. This was performative BS and DOJ were legally correct to call BS on it.

    Just exhibit #47438 in evidence of Republicans’ utter disregard for law except as a prop for performance.

    It’s shameful — not that they recognize shame anymore.

  4. Martin Stett

    The Department of Justice, headed by Merrick B. Garland, has told House Republicans to go fuck themselves.


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