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71 thoughts on “Chart of the day: Vaxxed and unvaxxed in New York City

  1. iamr4man

    After all NYC has been through with Covid it just amazes me that there are people who live there who choose to be unvaccinated.

    1. joichi1969

      Amazes me propel like you still believe the lies of the CDC and Fauci
      Choose your poison fine, otherwise a personal choice, since vaccines don’t stop the spread…

      1. Joel

        Amazes me that trolls like you still believe the lies of Fox and QAnon. Choose your poison, fine, but otherwise stop poisoning the rest of us, since vaccines keep people out of the hospital so that they can be used to treat non-COVID patients.

        Smarter trolls, please.

      2. J. Frank Parnell

        Anti-vaxxers must live in the Bizarro world where everything is opposite the way it is on our earth. On our earth the Pfizer, Moderna, and J&J vaccines all passed clinical trials, while hydroxychloririquin and ivermectin failed trials to demonstrate effectiveness against Covid. On our planet mainstream science is generally legit while internet crackpots generally are not. Alas, on the Bizarro world it's all opposite.

  2. tomtom502

    Kevin, please clarify. Reading your graph it seems the numbers are per 100,000 people, vaxed and unvaxed.

    The differences would be far greater if you compared hospitalizations per 100,000 unvaxed people against hospitalizations per 100,000 vaxed people.

    Isn't that a more meaningful comparison?

    1. Steve_OH

      How different the two ways of calculating would be depends on the vaccination rate, but it's not a huge difference unless the vaccination rate is either very high or very low.

      If the vaccination rate is 50%, then the two ways would give exactly the same ratio of hospitalized unvaccinated vs. hospitalized vaccinated. If the vaccination rate is 72% (which it is in New York), then your way would increase the ratio from about 10 to about 18.

    2. peterlorre

      According to the CDC, every zip code in New York County has a vaccination rate over 70%, with most at 100%. These are overestimates because of people that live outside of NY County getting shots in NYC, but the overall vaccination rate statewide is 85%.

      TL;DR is that a completely staggering rate of unvaccinated people must be getting hospitalized if the chart Kevin posted is accurate at all.

  3. mostlystenographicmedia

    give our exhausted doctors and nurse a break too.

    Hospitals should just be done with it and close their doors to unvaxxed Covid patients. Wheel out the SOBs already occupying beds and dump them on the street.

    Also, 0/100 copays for insured unvaxxed patients. Why should people who take personal responsibility seriously be essentially taxed to pay for those who are putting the rest of us in danger?

    1. mostlystenographicmedia

      Better yet, wheel out all the unvaxxed ICU patients and dump them on Tucker Carlson’s front lawn.

    2. TheMelancholyDonkey

      Because both of your suggestions would be illegal. Hospitals are required to take everyone. Insurance policies are not written with a Covid exception, and under ACA regulations, one would not be permitted.

      1. KawSunflower

        Of course they're cognizant of that; we're just so d****d tired of those costing lives, good health even in survivors, & G-d only knows how much money (but if course they're fiscal conservatives), all the while yammering about the tyranny of even local health policies, let alone any mandates, even those with options.

        It's also illegal to lasso & hogtie them, then vaccinate them or brand them with the mark of Cain, but the dream is somehow tempting after two years & going on a million deaths in the US alone.

        And now with very young children sick & some dying, it makes me think of ancient people sacrificing their babies to Moloch or Ba'al.

        1. KenSchulz

          The noose that can be tightened is for the Biden administration to keep issuing executive orders and regulations that constrain the unvaccinated - banning them from more activities, requiring more frequent testing, etc. Sure, most will be invalidated by the courts, but I don’t think anything prevents the government from harassing idiots, and if some court tries to issue a restraining order, who’s going to enforce it? AG Garland would have to study the implications and gather evidence for a couple of years, at least. 🙂

      2. mostlystenographicmedia

        Mm hmmm.

        Also illegal:

        Asking or pressuring election officials to “find votes.”
        Interfering with the certification of votes.
        Inciting a mob.
        Bank fraud.
        Insurance fraud.
        Tax fraud.
        Election fraud.
        Steering government contracts or money to your private business.

        Who knew? Turns out, if you got the balls to just do it, lots of things we think of as “illegal” are a OK.

      3. D_Ohrk_E1

        But, prioritizing vaccinated folks and everyone else ahead of the unvaccinated might be perfectly legal at the point where triage is necessary and hospital beds scarce from lack of staff combined with increased demand.

        So, going back to my thought exercise, who complains first/most if Biden issued EO mandating unvaccinated go to the back of the line in triage crisis?

      4. iamr4man

        My solution to this would be to set up a clinic staffed by Drs and Nurses who choose to be unvaccinated. They could prescribe Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine. Send all he unvaccinated there. Give them all what they want.

    3. joichi1969

      Thanks for being such an asshole!

      What about denying people with type 2 diabetes, lung cancer, etc?
      All of those are caused what people choose to do or not do
      Same with vaccines, you made your choice and shut up!

    4. joichi1969

      What about denying people with type 2 diabetes, lung cancer, etc?
      All of those are caused what people choose to do or not do
      Same with vaccines, you made your choice and shut up!

      1. mostlystenographicmedia

        Hey, people who catch the “sniffles” shouldn’t be showing up to the emergency room. Stay home, take some Hydroxy or Ivermectin and SHUT UP!

        1. gyrfalcon

          They're also not all caused by what people "choose to do or not do." Some people who never smoked get lung cancer and die from it. LOTS of people who aren't obese get Type 2 diabetes. And die from it, as a friend of mine just did.

          1. Jasper_in_Boston


            In fact about 15% of global deaths due to tobacco smoke are suffered by non-smokers, never mind the deaths due to various pulmonary diseases caused by other industrial and transport pollution.

            1. Vog46

              Which in itself is an autoimmune disease.
              Congratulations all the anti vaxxers.
              Omicron, although less deadly than Beta was might cause more long term damage than we realize.
              So we have the long covid folks
              We have potentially millions of kids getting diabetes.
              It's bad enough they may get an autoimune disease by eating too much processed foods. But to get it from Daddy and Mommy being anti vax?
              Those SAME parents would get a ticket from the Police if they had let little Johnny play in the back seat without a seat belt on
              It should be required for all students to be vaxxed.

              1. rick_jones

                A child could and children almost certainly did contract COVID without needing to have anti-vaccination parents. All it took was not being permitted to be vaccinated until later.

                1. KenSchulz

                  True, but CDC and FDA were exercising their normal caution, waiting for data from adults before permitting clinical trials with children.

    5. lisagerlich

      Yes, and fat people should not be allowed to use insurance to pay for diabetes treatment. Also, insurance should not pay for smokers who get lung cancer. I can go on. Each person makes decisions each day that affect their health, and bad decisions often result in an individual needing in-hospital care.
      "Smith, 6079SmithW, yes you, bend lower - your not trying"

      1. mostlystenographicmedia

        You have to love bleeding heart conservatives pretending they’ve never heard of boilerplate GOP stances on pre-existing conditions and high risk pools.

        Don’t pretend like you’re some champion of health insurance lisagerlich. If you and your ilk had your way, we’d all be paying doctors with chickens.

        1. lisagerlich

          mostlystenographicmedia - perhaps I worded my reply in whataboutism terms. Perhaps, I should have just pointed out that it is ethically wrong to deny treatment to the unvaxxed. Which it is.

      2. mostlystenographicmedia

        And by the way, when I walk past “fat people” I don’t catch diabetes.

        And before smoking bans swept through the country over the past 20 years, I often got a snout full of smoke in my lungs without ever having smoked myself. Many places had the stench of third hand smoke without even active smoke in the air.

        Your whataboutism is weak.

        1. lisagerlich

          True - things are much more pleasant since smoking has been banned in public places. However, the risk I took when I smoked of complying with the bans was minimal. It was good for me to not be able to smoke in the office. But, there are risks associated with the vaccines. They were brought to market quickly. There is a risk associated by not getting the vaccine as well. People need to choose. When I smoked, I could still smoke in my private home or designated smoke areas. Also, you can certainly catch covid from a vaccinated person.

    1. Mike in Brooklyn

      These numbers are from the NY state government. See here: NY State appears to be one of the few places collecting and disseminating different hospitalization rates by vaccination status.

      As of 27 December (the last available date) per 100,000 people, there's approximately 4.8 hospitalized people who are vaccinated vs. 58.3 hospitalized people who are not vaccinated.

      In states that have a smaller vaccinated population, the percentage of unvaccinated that are filling up hospitals would be even greater.

  4. drfood4

    I've just spent too much time arguing with people about vaccines. The current thought is that since you can get the virus even when vaccinated, vaccines are thus proven to be worthless. Worse than worthless, dangerous and evil.

    Apparently we promised them complete immunity and anything less than that is a betrayal. The hospitals are full because they are making money hand over fist.


    1. mostlystenographicmedia

      If these people are concerned about hospitals making money off of them, why do they go? Ivermectin is cheap and “apparently” effective.

    2. J. Frank Parnell

      Maxime Bernier: "Both the vaccinated and unvaccinated can spread the virus."

      Kevin Nimmock reply: "Both I and Michael Phelps know how to swim".

    3. KenSchulz

      My buddy caught cold even though he wore a parka and long johns in the Minnesota winter. So I just go out in shorts and a T-shirt …

  5. Heysus

    As an old retired nurse who worked in the OR and ICU, today if you showed up in the ICU where I worked, I would refuse to care for you. No vax, I don't need to waste my time on you.....

    1. KenSchulz

      I think this could encourage immigrants to seek citizenship, so that they could also vote in state and federal elections as well.
      I might quibble with the brevity of the 30-day legal residency requirement, but I support the idea that people with a stake in the community should have a voice in its governance.

      1. Jasper_in_Boston

        This is old hat. Cambridge, MA has been doing this for years. What took NYC so long?

        I agree it's good policy. Wouldn't be surprised in the least, though, if this becomes an effective right wing talking point.

        1. rick_jones

          Same just how far should that go question as I asked Ken.
          And I’m certain it will become a talking point. At a time when any reason to cast doubt upon elections is sought this is handing one over on a platter.

      2. rick_jones

        Just how far down the continuum does that stake imply franchise? Matters happening in NYC.affect residents of states outside NY. Should they have a say too?

    2. Bluto_Blutarski

      About time. I have been paying taxes (both personally and through my corporation) to New York for 30 years without being allowed to vote. Now I get representation in return for my taxation. Like others, I have to ask what took so freaking long?

  6. cephalopod

    The extremely fast spread of omicron is really going to hit a lot of the unvaccinated.

    After being so cautious for so long, a lot of the vaccinated are tired of giving everything up to save other people. Omicron for them is only an inconvenience, so why not risk dinner out? If the unvaccinated get it, that is their problem. On top of that, a lot of institutions can't keep up with contact tracing and notifications. No one knows their actual risk, so vaccinated people with no or mild symptoms can be anywhere.

    1. golack

      The hospitals are medical personnel can not handle the load. The antivaxxers hurt everyone--and be very careful now too. Anyone who needs emergency care now could find themselves waiting for hours on end.

      Yes, we still have to do a better job getting vaccines to poorer areas too, those with poor access to health care.

  7. golack

    Looks like numbers are cresting in NY and NJ, though not falling yet. Hospitalizations might be starting to level off--though that might just reflect that fact that they are basically full.
    I was hoping we'd be seeing numbers actually dropping already. And WorldoMeter projections were more ambitious than my guesses.

    How many more people are left to infect???

    1. iamr4man

      This happened to a relative. She was in Yosemite last Thanksgiving when she was struck with severe stomach cramps. She went to an emergency room in Fresno but they were so swamped with Covid patients that they told her it would be hours before she could be seen. She drove all the way home to Los Angeles and was seen sooner than she would have been in Fresno (she’s fine, it was a bladder infection). Of course, LA hospitals are swamped now too.

  8. realrobmac

    This chart ends on Dec 18, which is before the Omicron wave really got going. As a vaxed/boosted person who mostly knows vaxed/boosted people I'd really like to believe this is accurate but I'd be a lot more reassured to see data through early January.

  9. jte21

    Reporting on the current wave of infections and hospitalizations has been confusing and infuriating. The worst is the situation with juvenile cases. All the headlines are screaming "Child hospitalizations soar with Omicron wave!!!" No, they aren't. Lots of kids go to the ER in wintertime, usually with bronchitis or croup or something. Routine testing reveals a lot of them also have Covid. A very small number of unvaxxed kids are getting sick with Covid, as they always have, but a vaxxed kid in the ER with a broken arm, who happens to test positive for Covid, is not in the hospital dying of Covid. But "Increased testing catching more Covid in pediatric wards" doesn't get as many clicks as "You're kid is probably going to die! We'll tell you why right after you watch these ads!" so here we are.

  10. KJK

    I agree with Kevin, but in NYC, the vaccination rate (at least 1 dose) for adults is 92.5% and overall, 82.6%.
    So I think we need to get the children vaccinated and all the adults boosted. Hospitalizations are obviously increasing in the NY Metro area, but so far, only some NY upstate counties have started to defer elective surgerys. In NYC you need to be vaccinated for indoor activities (restaurants / museums), and masks are required indoors in the rest of the state (though some County Executives are not enforcing this - fucking morons).

    Of course, just like for the 1st Covid wave, Omicron came over from Europe right through JFK and EWR and distributed into the NY Metro Area. It's great to be first.

  11. pjcamp1905

    You're just pissing in the wind at this point. Anybody who is unvaccinated is going to stay that way until they die. Preferably sooner rather than later.

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