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Friday Cat Blogging – 29 January 2021

In her quest to drink water from every possible receptacle, Hopper found something new this morning. Our neighbor's trash can fell over in the night and the lid filled up with lovely, tasty rainwater. What more could a cat want?

10 thoughts on “Friday Cat Blogging – 29 January 2021

  1. delveg

    We put a cup of water in the living room when we added a new kitten. In the library, they have a constant flow water decide, but this cup of coveted water is all the scene whenever it's filled. Cats. 😉

  2. golack

    A lot of stuff is being migrated over--great! Check out the photos (new Zoom backgrounds?) and longform pieces (data too).

  3. cld

    Has that subtle hint of plastic and garbage, like water you'd buy in a store, but it obviously rains that way, so it's fresh.

  4. GrueBleen

    Well I hope you don't try to give H&H tap water, KD:

    "Tap water is usually treated with chemicals, often chlorinated strongly enough for a cat to smell it. Cats noses are far more sensitive than human noses and many cats find this chemical odor very offensive. Stale water in puddles and pools has a far more attractive smell are far as a cat is concerned. Puddles may be full of rotten vegetation and microbes, but cats find this organic soup very tasty. "

  5. GrueBleen

    A query: does your WordPress offer formatting options like picking out some text in italics or bold ? Like the MJ site does.

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