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Joe Biden needs to resign the presidency

For some time, I've been watching videos of Joe Biden to see for myself if he was showing signs of cognitive decline. Time after time, the answer was no. He had obvious physical limitations, but mentally he had no problems. What's more, all indications suggested he was carrying out the duties of the presidency just fine.

That makes his performance last Thursday genuinely puzzling. Nevertheless, it was what it was: the performance of a man who was halting, confused, lost, and sometimes just plain incoherent. The evidence of cognitive decay was so obvious that even Biden partisans couldn't spin it away.

Sadly, this 90-minute look into Biden's mental state—temporary or not—makes it clear that he shouldn't be president any longer. It's too risky. He should resign the office immediately and turn the reins over to Kamala Harris.

And what then should Harris do? This is purely a question of politics. I can hardly believe I'm about to say this, but my suggestion would be to talk a moderate Republican—a Rob Portman type—into becoming her vice president and running mate and creating a bipartisan front against Donald Trump. This would shake things up enough to give her a chance of beating Trump in November.

This kind of suggestion is a horrible cliche, but it has possibilities. It's not the most important thing, though. What's important is that the president can't be a person who's obviously not all there—even if that's true only occasionally. Biden needs to leave office with dignity while he still can.

264 thoughts on “Joe Biden needs to resign the presidency

  1. lower-case

    R as VP is insane

    you think they'd support D policies over the course of 4 years, or more likely be a mole for the opposition and sabotage the president?

    open primary, weekly debates, suck all the oxygen out of the room and put an end to the breathless coverage of 'what did trump tweet today?'

    1. Austin

      Yeah. NC did this, which is why the current Democratic governor Roy Cooper now can never leave the state, because the current Republican lt. governor Mark Robinson goes apeshit and undermines Cooper's admin whenever Cooper isn't there. Harris would be putting a target on her back - quite literally - if she had a Republican VP.

    2. marknc

      I sort of see Kevin's point. Since RepubliQans NEVER, EVER, EVER, EVER, EVER would put a Dem as VP or Sec. of State, or in charge of the DOJ or the FBI or the CIA - then Dems have to bend over backwards and appoint RepubliQans.

      Is that about right?

    3. D_Ohrk_E1

      It's not about R vs D policies. It's about creating a ticket that is focused on a singular priority: A bipartisan effort to preserve liberal democracy.

      I keep saying that KD and others cannot make this election about policies. If we do that, the tribes will just stick to their tribes. We cannot give lifelong Republicans a reason to stick with their tribe; we need to make the stakes clear and show that the Harris-X ticket is not about policy but about preserving liberal democracy.

      Are you more worried today, after what SCOTUS did, that we will not have a functioning liberal democracy one year from now? And yet, you want to make this about competing policies.

  2. azumbrunn

    I am flabbergasted. Contrarian Kevin joins the scare chicken ritual of the main stream press. He even adopts the oldest centrist cliche there is: A GOP vice president*.

    I have only one explanation: Kevin gave this problem to IA to solve...

    * As a matter of practice I know only two names who would even remotely consider accepting: Liz Cheney and Adam Kissinger.
    Everybody else in the GOP lacks the cojones.

  3. Dana Decker

    Biden is responsible for this mess. He was approached about, and rejected, entreaties that he declare himself a one-term president immediately after the midterms.

    1. Mitch Guthman

      I think the question of responsibility is not relevant. The only question is the best way forward. I don't think that Biden and Harris resigning is a realistic alternative. Not only is Harris less popular than Biden, the Democratic Party would probably and understandably never receive another vote from any African-American.

      But, even assuming that they do agree to quit, the idea of replacing a Democrat as vice-president with a "moderate" (but Trump submissive) Republican is just nuts. Basically, Biden's been a great president and can obviously continue to do a good job. What's the point of pretending otherwise? And who do you propose to replace him that could beat Trump?

    2. Crissa

      Sure, the assholes who were saying he shouldn't run in 2020, shouldn't run in 2024, are again, saying he shouldn't run.

      They said this before the state of the union speech, they're just having their broken clock moment now.

    3. Toofbew

      Biden and his people chose to have debates. Why? Everyone knows exactly who Joe Biden is and who Donald Trump is. Everyone knows that Trump lies whenever his lips move. Why give him a platform? But Biden and his people knew better and they made the debate rules. So Trump lied his head off and Joe got off to a bad start, rushing his words and not speaking clearly. Then he got tied up in his sentences and said nonsensical things. "That's how we beat Medicare" is not an example of stuttering. It's the product of a scrambled mind.

      No one ran against Biden in the primaries, there were no debates with other candidates, and this is what we get. The DNC and Biden's campaign wanted to railroad other potential candidates. Biden said in 2019 he would only serve one term. Then he went back on that promise. Thanks, Joe.

      Biden should do a Johnson and decline to run again. True, Johnson was succeeded by the loathsome Dick Nixon, but the lefties did everything in their power to hurt Humphrey's candidacy. It was still a close race. And the hatred of Johnson/Humphrey ushered in 7 years of Nixon's plan to end the Vietnam War, which was to bomb the Vietnamese into the Stone Age.

      Biden is already the oldest US President ever. He should retire and the DNC should have debates and speeches by the half dozen best younger (non-Boomer) candidates, then let the delegates choose the one the like best. That would make Trump the geezer in the race, to go along with his other disqualifying characteristics.

      It's like the Democrats don't trust their own bench. Biden will die one day, and then what will they do?

  4. lwagner

    As Trump is an existential threat to the country Biden should drop out for the good of the country- because he can't win (or capably serve another 4 years.)

    Kamala should agree to take part in a short open primary to choose the best replacement candidate- again for the good of the country as we need to do whatever we can to ensure Trump loses. This is alot to ask of her.

    The national conversation needs to change to how completely unfit and dangerous Trump would as president. We need to choose the candidat who can best make that case

    1. Salamander

      As Trump is an existential threat to this counry (and the world), the Democrats absolutely MUST dump Joe Biden and nominate somebody who can't possibly beat Trump.


    2. S1AMER

      There is no such animal as a "short open primary," given that all primaries are controlled by the states (or, at least, by state parties). When you have in mind would be utter chaos.

  5. Marlowe

    I've had little use for Kevin's opinion on, well, anything for a long, long time. (There are only two reasons I still have this site bookmarked: primarily because many of the sites I used to read are now behind pay walls and I can't subscribe to everything on my fixed income and secondarily because the comments section is one of the more interesting ones.) But this litany of ludicrous suggestions takes the cake. Respectfully, Kevin, get stuffed.

      1. Mitch Guthman

        I don't understand your comment. The question is which is the best way forward for the Democrats and the country. Clearly the person to whom you are responding believe (as I do) that Kevin's proposal is basically conceding the election to Trump. But you evidently seem to agree with Kevin and I'm curious to know why.

    1. Austin

      It's Monday. I think Kevin goes brunching with his conservative Orange County friends on Sundays or Mondays. He usually starts the week out with a What The Fuck post, and then slowly walks it back over the week.

  6. Art Eclectic

    Since we're all opining - I'm not sure it matters. The far right has clearly captured SCOTUS and they are marching through our entire system remaking it to line up with Federalist Society thinking. Everything that can be thrown back to the states will be and it won't matter who is occupying the oval office.

    All they have to do at this point is line their cases up like flights coming in to an airport and land their decisions.

    1. Citizen99

      I think Kevin has it right, although I don't know about the R running mate. That kind of kumbaya thinking never works. But this idea has already been put forward by Garance Franke-Ruta in The New Republic ( Her recommendation is to do this at the convention.

      Of course, nothing is as simple as we would like. There would be a presidential transition, which typically takes months, right in heat of a campaign. Maybe they could forestall a lot of the administrative stuff (changing staff, moving residences) until after the election.

      But I think it would be a path to victory. The idea that 2024 Harris cannot beat 2024 Trump makes no sense to me. Everything flips on its head: the age issue then lands on trump; the appeal to Black voters, especially Black women, becomes a trump problem; all of the GOP lines of attack against Biden become moot, but the Democrats' lines of attack against trump remain intact; and the VP choice could lock up one swing state. One of the criticisms of Harris is that she can be "strident" and not "likeable," but does that matter when her opponent is trump?

      I think it's a good idea. Risk? Nothing is more risky at this point than plodding along with a candidate who is obviously cognitively impaired, and not likely to get better.

  7. tcolemanuf

    People like excitement and uncertainty. I don’t hate your proposal but dropping out of the race, not the role, having a brokered convention and then a final boss debate with Trump could accelerate a replacement level D to beat Trump in November.

    1. Mitch Guthman

      A wide open convention without a front-runner and with RFK, Jr. offering himself as a candidate is a recipe for chaos and defeat. Who would the Democrats select that would not engender any opposition or competition from other Democrats?

  8. Joel

    OK, Kevin has officially jumped the shark. Rank amateur diagnoses dementia on TV. Seriously?

    Biden needs to go because cold meds
    That seems to be the conclusion of the NYT editorial page, as well as chin-scratchers and pearl-clutchers in the Democratic party. Look, Biden’s performance during the first 45 minutes of a single two-hour debate was straight-up bad. But when you compare that performance to the days before and the days after, dementia doesn’t sound to me like the most parsimonious explanation.
    Yes, Biden is old. He was old before the debate, too. Sometimes, you have to ask yourself if there’s a simpler explanation. There is:
    “In recent weeks, Biden has made several high-profile public appearances on the world stage. He commemorated the 80th anniversary of D-Day in Normandy, France, attended press briefings at the G7 Summit in Italy, and engaged with the public and world leaders. Journalists who have been beside Biden closely these past few weeks reported no such impairment, aligning with bullish sentiment from the Biden debate prep team. Everyone would have noticed if Biden exhibited even a fraction of what he displayed at the debate.
    “During the debate, particularly in the first half, Biden trailed off into odd digressions unrelated to the moderators' questions, often mumbling almost inaudibly. This performance was not just worse than the trivial gaffes we've come to expect from Biden; it appeared to indicate a clinical problem.”
    “As time passed, the fog lifted. He improved throughout the debate and later in the evening, engaging with people far into the night. The next day, he delivered a fiery speech in North Carolina without missing a beat. The short half-life of many of these drugs could explain Biden's resilient post-debate appearances.
    “Biden's symptoms appeared consistent with someone suffering from temporary drug-induced cognitive impairment. We now know he had a bad cold during the debate. Most people believe common over-the-counter cold medications such as DayQuil, Tylenol, or Advil to be harmless. While generally well tolerated, these medications have well-documented side effects and can cause reduced alertness, diminished attention, poor memory, and reduced reaction time, especially in older individuals. These impairments are transitory but can appear consequential and alarming. Every experienced clinician has seen this effect thousands of times. If anti-cold medications were combined with other drugs, the risks could increase even more.”
    No trained neurologist, psychiatrist or geriatrician would diagnose a patient with dementia based on a TV video clip. That would be malpractice. So why should I listen to rank amateurs bleating that Biden has to go because they think a single TV appearance shows he’s dementing? Get a grip, peeps!

    1. caryatis

      Even if his incoherence during the debate was solely cold medication--can we really tolerate someone as President who has that kind of reaction to cold medication? We need a president who is capable of functioning adequately even with a cold, even under stress.

  9. MarkHathaway1

    We have to do an intervention. Kevin is talking hoo ha.

    Some people say that only Biden can beat Trump. Therefore, he must remain. If Harris has to become president, we'll survive.

    If Harris needs a Veep, then she should pick someone from the Senate who has international and defense or budgetary experience. Only Gov. Gavin Newsome can probably claim the same kind of credentials, but any governor has not been involved in recent international affairs, so that's a bit of a gamble.

    Who in the Senate Democratic Caucus would have enough credentials that could work well with hers? I'd suggest Chris Murphy or Michael Bennet.

      1. Citizen99

        Well, I agree with that, so rule out Bennett, Brown, Ossof, or Warnock. And Whitmer is out because two women on the ticket is asking too much of the still-misogynistic American electorate. But there are swing-state governors available: Shapiro, Evers, Cooper. I also like Senator Murphy, although he can't deliver a swing state.

        Beating trump is ALL that matters.

  10. stilesroasters

    Anyone who's spent time with 80+ years old folk knows that Biden's behavior when not giving a speech reeks of someone who is not thinking quickly on his feet. So many high profile interviews are being done with partners, like Clinton and Obama. I don't know if he's subject to sundowning or not, but I can't distinguish his behavior from it.

    if it takes multiple paragraphs to explain why Joe Biden is obviously fine, and our lying eyes are not to be trusted, then it probably speaks for itself.

    I was 100% team "Leave Joe Alone" until the debate. I will absolutely still vote for him over the amoral huckster. But I criticized the GOP for running someone clearly not qualified for the presidency in 2016. We can't do the same in 2024.

    1. Dana Decker

      In the debate, Biden said the following in different areas of policy:

      strengthen our healthcare system & finally beat Medicare

      a young woman was murdered by an immigrant coming in

      we put more police on the street than any administration

      got $50 billion for HBCUs; they’ll be able to get high-tech jobs

      His syntax is chaotic; there's difficulty finding the words to say. From his Concluding Statement (not interlocutory, but prepared!):

      "What I did, when, for example, he wants to get away with – and get rid of the ability of Medicare to – for the ability to – for the – us to be able to negotiate drug prices with big pharma companies."

    2. Crissa

      So much of your statement is agist, anti-disabled bullshit, I barely know where to start.

      Someone who is sundowning doesn't get better over an hour, they get worse.

      Fuck you.

    1. Citizen99

      Because it wouldn't matter. He was exactly the same as he's always been. His loyalists don't care, and for those of us who despise trump, our votes still only count as one each.

        1. weirdnoise

          Yup. Most of them weren't even "responses".

          Anyone who has had to deal with someone with angry dementia will recognize Trump's mostly non-sequitur bluster as regurgitation of long-practiced tirades. Too many folks consider the aggressiveness of such responses as somehow indicating fitness. Quite the contrary.

          1. Crissa

            Exactly, and his responses only got less and less on topic and coherent over the debate - exactly what these always-wrong assholes (and Kevin) are projecting onto Biden.

    2. iamr4man

      Because the current story isn’t Biden’s performance, it’s democrats (ones who were never on board for Biden in the first place) reaction. And the reaction seems to be either running around waving hands in panic or saying “I told you so.”

  11. DarkBrandon


    All special counsels have been Republicans. All FBI directors? Republicans (Hoover was an
    "independent" - chuckle). Obama even felt compelled to nominate a Republican for a SCOTUS seat.

    It doesn't work. Just stop.

  12. horaceworblehat

    Instead of panicking let's really analyze what we see here. We have numerous examples of his giving speeches recently including the day after, speaking to the press, and lastly non-campaign-vetted videos of Biden's talking to people and shaking hands in public only a couple of hours before the debate. Aside from being a typical lethargic 81 year old man what he said was coherent. He was cracking jokes as he normally would. But, during that debate he choked while Trump was allowed to toss word salad everywhere unimpeded by ineffectual moderators. Overanalyzing a single debate is madness when there's overwhelming evidence of recent okay behavior, really.

    I think it still remains to be seen whether he should resign and/or bow out of the election. That performance at the debate was indeed alarming, though. We're only a few days post debate. Aside from one hastily cobbled together poll we have almost nothing. If Biden's support does tank then indeed the Democratic party should push the panic button.

    The problem is there's no eligible real alternative that's electable. That's the problem that got Biden chosen as candidate in 2020 in the first place. The problem still exists. In no healthy democracy would a madman with a presidency so disastrous it caused millions of people to die be able to run again for the highest office. In no healthy democracy would the candidates brought forth be in their late 70's and early 80's. A lot of people, including Kevin, say that Kamala Harris is the obvious choice. Is she? Biden's relationship with Obama was entirely uncommon. They are best friends, and Obama used Biden's expertise in his administration to great effect. Biden's relationship with Harris is basically nonexistent as is the case for most vice presidents. She's his successor on paper if he suddenly dropped dead or resigned, but politically she might as well not be there which is basically how all VPs have been since John Adams. She brings absolutely nothing to the ticket nor any relevant experience as Biden did for Obama. But, yeah, if she were chosen I'd vote for her. I'm voting for Biden if he stays on. I'd vote for a meteor impact before I'd vote for Trump.

    That brings me to my last point. Whoever the hypothetical candidate replacement is (and they are hypothetical at this point), the public and especially the young need to turn out to vote to save what's left of our democracy. Will they do it? Who knows. The public mood seems to be ambivalence.

  13. lwagner

    I think Kevin made this seemingly outrageous proposal because he believes both Biden and Harris would lose the election (and also because Biden is no longer fit to serve)

    I think 40% or more voters are anybody but Trump voters and Harris or any other dem will likely get all or most of this vote, but that is not enough to win. How do we pick up 5-10 % more voters. We need to have the best candidates possible. Putting a republican on the ticket would likely do this, but do we need to go to that extreme.
    If we did Kinzinger made a name for himself by visibly putting country ahead of party.

    I still think we can win with a solid dem ticket, but getting there would be a mess. Maybe we have to stick with Harris and a strong VP candidate.

    1. Mitch Guthman

      Apart from what Crissa said, the country seems to be exceptionally well run at the moment. So I don't understand the basis for saying that Biden's no longer fit to serve.

      Also, assuming that Harris would lose (and I believe that she would), the question becomes who should the Democrats choose. As you yourself have implicitly agree, just saying that we can win with a solid Democratic ticket is meaningless. A name of a candidate who would be acceptable to basically every Democrat is a necessary prerequisite for saying that Biden should step aside.

  14. HokieAnnie

    I haven't read through any comments yet but my OMG Kevin you are oh so very wrong, wrong, wrong. wronger than wrong. History major from well regarded program and a lifelong interest in 20th century history. History tells us to ride with Biden, you piss off a ton of us including me if you don't. Also there's no willing member of the GOP none, nada nobody who would be willing to put themselves in more danger than Salmon Rushdie to do so.

      1. HokieAnnie

        Hahaha yeah far too many folks have a quick hot take that is totally wrong too. I think folks need to consider the elections of 1952 and 1968 before climbing on the dump Joe bandwagon. Also replacing Eagleton in 1972 did't work nor did Ford/Rockefeller in 1976.

        The Democratic leadership knows this, thank god.

  15. gVOR08

    Portman was my congressman for a few years. I'm unconvinced that a GOP veep is a good idea, but if so, please gawd not that spineless spitweasel Portman. There must be a GOP somewhere with some character and intellectual honesty. OK, I can't come up with a name, but there must be one.

    Personally, if it comes to it, Harris should pick Hillary as veep. It would be worth it for the entertainment value.

    1. Salamander

      We were essentially saved a "No Labels" ticket by the death of Mr No Labels, Joe Lieberman. That's what a D/R ticket looks like: Milquetoast and Wimpy. Or is it vice versa? Probably not even relevant.

  16. lwagner

    There's also the question of how to persuade Biden to drop out. Dropping poll numbers would do it, if they drop enough, but I don't think they will as there is a solid large anybody but Trump voting block.

    Dem leaders could persuade him through private conversations, but that hasn't worked so far (if anybody is privately trying to convince him to drop out who knows.)

    Will any dem leaders join the pundit class and publically call for him to step down. I hope they would if they are convinced he is going to lose.

    I just hope this happens fast so we can all start talking about what a terrible candidate trump is - also old and declining cognitively.

    1. lwagner

      Another poll question that should be persuasive to Biden in making the argument that it is time to retire :

      72% of voters believe he does not have the mental and cognitive health to serve as president. Many of these voters will vote for him anyway because they hate/ fear Trump. I don't think that block is big enough for him to win.

    1. KenSchulz

      Arrested and detained without charges indefinitely, no access to legal counsel. Israel does this to Palestinians by the thousands and it doesn't bother American pols.

    2. Salamander

      I can't describe how appealing this solution has been to me. Of course, it's totally wrong, even if the Convicted Felon wouldn't hesitate a moment to do it to his opponents. I'm glad Joe Biden is a better man than me, in spite of how inconvenient this can be.

  17. kahner

    I'm persuaded that biden withdrawing from the race might be a good idea, but resigning at this point seems needlessly disruptive. My biggest worry is the rancor that will come with picking the replacement candidate. Harris is the obvious choice as VP, but her own presidential bid went notoriously badly and I don't think she would do great with lots of voters we need in swing states. But I imagine passing her over could anger black and women voters, depending on who the pick is. And if it's done at the convention, the fight over it could be horrible PR for the party. But whatever happens, picking a republican VP is a terrible idea. I don't think anyone is swayed to a Harris ticket by that and it will piss off a lot of dems, while also making dems look weak compared to trump.

  18. roux.benoit

    If Biden resigns, or dies, then Kamala Harris becomes President. No question about that.

    But I think that Mike Johnson would then become VP according to the constitution.

    Correct me if I am wrong. Someone must know the answer for sure.

    1. Solarpup

      Mike Johnson then becomes next in line for the Presidency, not the actual Vice President. He wouldn't get to break ties in the Senate, but would be available to step in if Harris was incapacitated in the Presidency.

      But I imagine that they would move quickly with a pick. The Senate would confirm quickly, but the House might be a problem. (Ford was nominated & confirmed in about a month. Rockefeller took a little over three months. but those were different times ...)

  19. Honeyboy Wilson

    For the good of the country, Trump should agree to withdraw from the presidential race if Biden agrees to resign from the presidency and not to run again. I think "both or neither" can be the rallying cry of the nation.

    1. Salamander

      Convicted Felon Trump should agree to withdraw, period. And the RNC ought to back him on this. Only one candidate lied incessantly and refused to answer the questions, only one candidate showed that he was clueless about how the world worked or history or anything. That guy should withdraw.

      And it wasn't Joe BIden.

  20. Goosedat

    Democratic liberals embrace 'moderate' Republicans with every opportunity. Democrats predisposition for moderate Republican policies create opportunities for demagogues to rally support from the working class.

  21. djp1955

    Kevin is in dreamworld of The West Wing and other fantasy TV and movie scripts.

    The day President Biden resigns is the day the election is handed over to King Trump (who the radical partisan SC majority just crowned him).

    The same goes for those that are living in a fantasy land of so much TV and movie entertainment where the good guy (ANY of the supposed replacements to Biden) will just swoop in, dazzle the nation and put Trump where he belongs....outside the WH.

    Sorry, but that is NOT going to happen.

    Maybe I'm wrong. But I doubt it.

    The mantra from any same person should be...."TRUMP is the one who should drop out".

    Democratic politicians need to say that any time they are questioned by the media if "Biden should drop out"...and say it over and over and over and over and over again.

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