You may remember me griping a while back that it was impossible to take a good picture of our new bridge unless I had a blimp or something. I still don't have a blimp, but I do have a drone, and it turns out to indeed be a perfect tool for bridge photography. So here you go. The top photo is the Gerald Desmond Bridge during the day. The middle photo is the same view at night. And the bonus bottom photo shows both the old and new bridges.
I may try this again next June, when the morning sun provides better light. Maybe.

I knew this was coming. Was it the bridge-photographing mission that got Kevin started on drone shopping?
No, but it was definitely on my mind. I haven't yet posted the picture that really got me going.
More reason to keep coming back!
Nice shots Kevin. Now one with the moon, sun, or stars embraced by the bridge.
I don't know where you find time for all these projects! A man on the move indeed!
Try shooting some images through the )cleaned) windshield of your is a nice perspective seemingly from within the belly of this beast of a bridge. The girders and cables retreat towards the sky in interesting fashions.
(I've only done this through a very dirty good but I could see the potential)
Best Wishes, Traveller