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Lunchtime Photo

The top picture today is Juno Beach, site of the Canadian landing on D-Day. The bottom picture shows a circle of flags whipping in the stiff breeze that followed us around the entire day.

Why show you Juno Beach on July 4th? Because that's where our particular tour took us.¹ Besides, Friday was Canada Day and we should be generous about acknowledging our comrades in arms. Mind you, not so generous that we skip catblogging, but generous nonetheless. I'm sure our neighbors to the north understand.

¹We actually had a choice of Juno Beach or Omaha Beach. The Juno Beach tour won because (a) we already know the American side of things pretty well, and (b) the Juno Beach tour included a stop at the Bayeux Tapestry, which one of our family members really, really wanted to see. No pictures allowed, though!

May 23, 2022 — Juno Beach, Normandy

5 thoughts on “Lunchtime Photo

  1. rick_jones

    Why show you Juno Beach on July 4th? Because that's where our particular tour took us.¹ Besides, Friday was Canada Day and we should be generous about acknowledging our comrades in arms. Mind you, not so generous that we skip catblogging, but generous nonetheless.

    So, cats over country... Got it 🙂

  2. painedumonde

    I snuck a pic of the Sistine Chapel, the famous finger boop, didn't use a flash though. It came out well and I was given a brief tongue lashing by a docent. It was worth it.

  3. Displaced Canuck

    We went to Juno Beach in 2009 while living in France. I found the Canadian Museum was better than both the British or American, small but more interactive and inclusive.

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