A few weeks ago, coming home from one of my night sky photography sessions, I noticed that dawn looked very nice in my rear view mirror. I wasn't planning to stop, but eventually I caved in and decided to turn around.
Having done that, I needed to find an exit so I could get out and take the picture. After many miles I got to one, but it went nowhere. So I got back on the highway and kept going. And going. And going. Finally, with the sun about to come up over the horizon, I pulled over onto the median strip and then raced to the other side of the road. And just as I did the sun came up and ruined the picture I intended to take.
But! When I got home it turned out that my very first picture was OK. There was just a sliver of sun above the clouds, which left the little ribbon of cloud radiance intact. And that was what I was after.
Plus there were some really beautiful colors in the sky. I don't know for sure that this picture was worth the effort, but it's very pretty.
Great job Kevin. You got it all!
Lovely merging of beautiful shades that remind me of skies where I once lived