Poppy season has begun. It's not widespread yet, but there are a few patches of California poppies here and there. In a couple of weeks we're likely to have a superbloom, but due to past transgressions The Man has closed off all access this year:
Riverside County Sheriff Chad Bianco said law enforcement will take a zero-tolerance policy for people who are caught trespassing in the area. “Your warning is right now,” Bianco said. “If you are going to come here and you are going to park your car, you are subject to citation and possibly the towing of your vehicle.”
That's not very friendly, is it?

Sounds very friendly to the poppies!
If you want somewhere to be preserved, don’t go there.
Now, thirty plus years ago, when California’s population was below thirty million there may have been few enough of us to support superbloom visitation. But today, pushing nearly 40 million…
Can you park outside of the restricted area, but close enough to use your drone for photos & ensure its safe return?
My wife flew down to an AOPA show in Buckeye AZ last month. She landed at Redlands for fuel both coming and going. A couple of her photos on approach to Redlands had patches of poppies. Not super bloom.