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Lunchtime Photo

This is a row of aspen trees at Aspendell, about ten miles southwest of Bishop. It is four images stitched together in Photoshop.

February 18, 2021 — Aspendell, California

Too dense for display at this size? Maybe. Perhaps three images would have been better:

February 18, 2021 — Aspendell, California

Alternatively, maybe this is just flatly too dense and detailed for display at this size no matter how I crop it. I'm not sure, but there's no question that it lost too much resolution when I reduced it to 2000 pixels wide. It's just not sharp enough now.

9 thoughts on “Lunchtime Photo

  1. doktorwise

    It'd be kind of spendy, but it would make a beautiful large scale print. Make that sucker about six feet long and get lost in the detail. I agree that on my 21" monitor it doesn't look great, but I'll bet if you put it on a giant 4K screen it would be spectacular.

    1. Vog46

      I may have to re-think my post to Kevin
      He does have links to Balloon Juice and Monkey Cage - either of which could be synonymous with Trump !!!!!

  2. Vog46

    This is very OFF TOPIC but........

    I noted that you have no links posted yet to former President Trump's blog.
    It's not the bestest I'm sure, and I doubt you would read it yourself - but you know.........

  3. pjcamp1905

    Aspen tree.

    I'll bet a dollar to a doughnut that is a single, clonal organism with a shared root system.

  4. NealB

    Lack of anything in the foreground makes it hard to focus on so much background. Still, the density of it is why it's interesting.

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