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Lunchtime Photo

I took this picture accidentally. I was stopped at a red light and snapped the shutter just to make sure my settings were all correct. I only knew what I had gotten when I got home and looked at it.

I'm not especially expert on the meaning of modern hand signals and tats. So what's going on here? Anything?

February 6, 2021 — Buena Park, California

19 thoughts on “Lunchtime Photo

    1. BenFranklin99

      Definition - What does Gyan Mudra mean?

      Gyan mudra, otherwise known as chin mudra, is a sacred hand gesture or ‘seal’ used to direct energy and maintain focus. Gyan mudra is one of the most important and well known mudras, found across Buddhist, Hindu and Yoga traditions alike. Gyan is Sanskrit for ‘knowledge’ or ‘wisdom,’ and so this gesture is sometimes referred to as the Mudra of Knowledge.

      Gyan mudra is traditionally practiced whilst in seated meditation, although some modern day practitioners are known to use it whilst holding standing asana (postures), such as utthita parsvakonasana (Extended Side Angle Pose) or natarajasana (Dancer’s Pose).

      To perform this mudra, bring the tip of the thumb and index finger together on both hands, forming a circle. Keep the remaining three fingers outstretched with the palm facing upward.

      Gyan mudra is also referred to as chin mudra, cin mudra, and gyana mudra.

      1. Leisureguy

        Very interesting information, but does not apply to this situation. From your description: "Keep the remaining three fingers outstretched with the palm facing upward." The palm is facing downward, so the photographed posture is not gyan mudra.

  1. cld

    That kind of tat is for people who want to buy a black velvet painting but can't afford it, or just don't have the wall space.

  2. Ken Rhodes

    I think it's something far less sinister, and probably of no particular significance at all. I don't think it's a signal. I think it's the position of the arm, hand, and fingers of a lifelong smoker when stopped at a traffic light. He is trying to quit smoking, but he hasn't yet lost some of the old habits.

    1. Crissa

      That's entirely possible, the fingers aren't in the awkward pose, just the thumb and forefinger which is a common fiddle pose.

      The ultrachristian tats tho. Eww.

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