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14 thoughts on “Lunchtime Photo

    1. SharellJenkins

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  1. dspcole

    Actually, I don’t think those are flying buttresses but I’m sure one of our astute readers will clarify this. Probably SteveOH who seems to be our resident expert on anything that flies.
    OT why is it that I never can post until at least one person has already posted? When I click on leave a comment it directs me to the comment section of the previous post .

    1. MattBallAZ

      Agree. My wife lived there for a year (out of 2.5 in Germany) before we met. She’s taken me there several times.

  2. dilbert dogbert

    I wonder how long it took to quarry the stone, cart it to where the stone mason would chip it out then place it in the church. One man one stone? How many workers and how many decades/centuries to finish?

    1. emjayay

      The previous church burned down in 1273, and because of the good economic status of Regensburg at the time a new cathedral was able to be constructed.

      The architect that took over supervision over the new cathedral in 1280 was trained in France, and because of this there was an incorporation of French Gothic architectural themes. This included a central nave that divides into three sections, buttresses, vaulting, and two towers over a facade.

      By 1320, the three choirs of this cathedral were ready for use, and between 1385 and 1415 the main entrance to the West was completed. Most of edifice was finished around the year 1520, and this was also the opening year for the

      So, 240 years and a whole lotta workers.

      1. emjayay

        Wait there's more (all adapted from Wikipedia)

        In the 17th century, the cupola located at the transept’s crossing, along with other sectors of the cathedral, were renovated in a Baroque style. With this renovation, the frescoes that were created for the All Saints' Chapel were plastered over until being uncovered in the 19th century. Following this, between 1828 and 1841 the cathedral underwent a Neo-Gothic renovation, and this was commissioned by King Ludwig I of Bavaria. With this renovation the cupola was demolished and replaced with a quadripartite rib vault. Between 1859 and 1869, the towers as well as their spires were completed, and three years later the cathedral was fully complete.

        So gay king Ludwig's father was doing some interior decoration. Like father like son.

    2. bethby30

      UK’s Durham Cathedral was built in only 40 years although there were additions made after that. It was built by William the Conqueror and was the first to use (some) pointed arches as well as ribbed vaults — basically a transition between Romanesque/Norman and Gothic architecture.

      The first gothic church built was Paris’s St. Denis. Both are very beautiful and well worth visiting.

      Durham Cathedral has a spectacular location high above a curve in the river Wear with the castle next to it. If you visit when Durham University is not in session you can stay in the castle. It’s used as a dorm.

      Some scenes from the first Harry Potter movies were filmed at the cathedral which is how I have enticed my grandkids to visit with me — that and staying overnight in the castle.

  3. Salamander

    I love it! The flying buttresses are to hold up the big gothic arches, and they have little gothic arches inside them to, what? reduce weight? provide better access? look pretty?

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