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Lunchtime Photo

This is Schönbrunn, my favorite European palace thanks to its famous yellow exterior. However, this was not its original color. It went from light orange initially to golden ochre under Maria Theresa and finally to "Schönbrunn Gelb" in the mid-1800s. Our guide claimed that this color was chosen because money was tight at the time and it was the cheapest available. However, I haven't been able to dig up any confirmation of that.

In any case, Schönbrunn is often called a "mini Versailles," which is fair, I suppose. The palace is about half the size of Versailles and the gardens are considerably smaller. For my money, though, the view up to the Gloriette (bottom picture) outclasses anything at Versailles.

NOTE: I oversaturated the palace to bring out the yellow. It's not really that striking in real life. But it's my blog, and if I want to make Schönbrunn prettier than real life then I can.

May 14, 2024 — Vienna, Austria

7 thoughts on “Lunchtime Photo

  1. MikeTheMathGuy

    Schonbrunn was one of my absolute favorite places that I visited when I spent the summer touring Europe 50 years ago (!) this year. Beautiful photos, and thanks for the reminder!

    1. bethby30

      Same here. I also loved the trick fountains in the gardens of Hellbrunn in Salzburg, especially the gardens. I also loved the Vienna iced coffee at the cafe in the Hofburg in Vienna. I have tried it many other places in Austria but none came close.

  2. Salamander

    Well, that second photo of the grounds is pretty impressive, and I imagine the interior is stunning. But the front view just looks like a hotel.

    Blame decades of Disney for spoiling me on what a "palace" is supposed to look like...

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