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Lunchtime Photo

I caught another SpaceX launch from Vandenberg Space Force Base last night. It launched just as we got home from a walk, so this picture shows it over our house. Well, over our neighbor's house, anyway. But they all look alike, so it doesn't make much difference.

June 23, 2024 — Irvine, California

7 thoughts on “Lunchtime Photo

  1. kahner

    can anyone explain the zigzags and curves of the exhaust path? i that actual curves in the rocket trajectory, wind, turbulence or something else? i would have thought the rocket would follow a simple arc path into orbit.

  2. Larry Jones

    Are we just going to let Musk to litter the sky with 6,000 pieces of electronic space junk -- visible to the naked eye from the ground? Would we be OK with him erecting relay towers in our front yards without permit or permission? At what point in time will there be no one left on earth who remembers the unobstructed majesty of stars in the night sky? Keep snapping your galaxy pix, Kevin. Some day, museums are going to need them.

  3. Coby Beck

    Plus, keep your ears open about stratospheric aluminum oxide pollution damaging the ozone layer! This will be the result of thousands of uncontrolled satellite reentries. Why can't we just have fun...

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