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Lunchtime Photo

This is the famous statue of Athena outside of Parlament¹ in Vienna. As you may remember, Athena has always been my favorite of the Greeks gods. She could kick butt when she needed to, but had the wisdom to know when not to. As for her unfortunate participation in the Trojan War, we'll just let bygones be bygones.

¹That's German for parliament.

May 20, 2024 — Vienna, Austria

7 thoughts on “Lunchtime Photo

    1. Ken Rhodes

      Athena was smart enough (and attractive enough) to have had Trump wrapped around her little finger, and powerful enough to have held him under her thumb.

      Come to think of it, that's what Trump lacked in his youth--a woman smart enough and strong enough to have set him straight.

      1. lower-case

        well, trump never selected women of remotely similar social rank

        ivana's father was an electrical engineer, marla's father was a county commissioner/real estate developer, and melania's father was a chauffeur

        these women could all be easily discarded with very few repercussions

  1. Salamander

    I always liked Athena. Good statue. She was very helpful to Odysseus ... if anything he ever said could be believed. That whole "voyages" thing? Clearly a total lie, along with everything else.

    A good story could be made of what he was really doing all those years, when Penelope was keeping the home fires burning, raising Telemachus, and fighting off the hordes of suitors.

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