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Preliminary estimate shows illegal immigration way down in June

According to preliminary estimates from the Border Patrol, it looks like total illegal border crossings in June were down to about 84,000:

This doesn't include requests for asylum, which usually amount to about 50,000 per month.

Is this decline because of summer or because of President Biden's recent crackdown on border crossings? That's impossible to say. We'll know in a few months.

6 thoughts on “Preliminary estimate shows illegal immigration way down in June

  1. CaliforniaDreaming

    This was obviously because the R's are making a campaign issue about it and pushed Biden to change things.

    I cannot see any other possibility.


  2. Justin

    I hope these migrants realize that lots of Americans hate them. If Trump becomes president, it will be open season on illegals. They would be lucky to be deported rather than shot to death by the good citizens of the USA.

    Whatcha gonna do?

    1. LactatingAlgore

      & if it happens in texas, greg abbott will pardon the vigilantes who murder the undocumented invaders.

      & other gop governors will follow suit, so as not to lose ground to Texas in appeal as a relocation target for domestic migrants.

  3. Jasper_in_Boston

    Is this decline because of summer or because of President Biden's recent crackdown on border crossings?

    It's mostly because, with the election behind them, Mexican authorities have resumed cooperating with the US to stem the tide of asylum seekers. Which is consistent with what we know to be the three known factors that can plausibly reduce the pressure on our border. The other two are: legislation to fine-tune US asylum procedures, and, a badly deteriorating US job market.

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