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Raw data: CEO pay increased 4% last year

The Wall Street Journal reports that CEO pay increased 9% last year, but as usual they ignore inflation. It remains one of the world's great mysteries why they do this, so as a public service here's their featured chart adjusted for inflation:

During the halcyon days between the Great Recession and the Plague Years, CEO pay increased nearly 8% annually in real terms. Since 2020, CEO pay has increased 0.5% per year. In 2023 CEO pay increased 4%.

4 thoughts on “Raw data: CEO pay increased 4% last year

  1. different_name

    So that's why companies are starting to talk about raises being a thing of the past for the little people.

    (I mean, the ones who aren't being replaced by Enterprise Autocomplete.)

    Their performance bonuses have to come from somewhere...

  2. Creigh Gordon

    Bank: You deposited $100 but due to inflation we're only crediting your account with $50.

    Me: Damn that Kevin Drum!

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