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Raw data: Manufacturing construction since 1960

There's lots of talk about the skyrocketing amount of manufacturing being built lately, and with good reason:

Manufacturing construction is nearly flat from 1980-2015. Then there was a modest increase. But since 2021 it's nearly doubled, thanks mostly to the infrastructure bill, IRA, and the CHIPS Act. Presumably manufacturing employment will also increase once all these factories are finished.

4 thoughts on “Raw data: Manufacturing construction since 1960

  1. CAbornandbred

    See, we can build things when we choose to. This is why the rest of the world is whining right now. We're not playing our role as the doormat for the world.

  2. KJK

    What manufacturing facilities are we actually building? In what industries?

    Good news, but if you have ever taken a tour of manufacturing facilities, the factory floor can be absent of a whole lot of workers, with just a handful workers in front of computer screens, monitoring the automated activities. Engine parts manufacturing had 1 worker for each automated production line, but there were quite a few workers still needed for engine final assembly.

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