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10 thoughts on “Raw data: Web traffic at conservative news sites

  1. Ken Rhodes

    The percentage change is *extremely* uninformative without the total volume.

    Exhibit A: Truth Social traffic is fast growing. That's like saying the revenue of my consulting company is fast growing. In the past year, for instance, we went from $6,000 to $15,000. Our annualized growth rate of 250% was much higher than Microsoft, which only realized a year-over-year growth in revenue of abo0ut 14%.

    1. MikeTheMathGuy

      I completely agree when it comes to increases, but for decreases even just the percentages alone are telling. I have no idea what the "Western Journal" is -- and have no interest in even bothering to find out -- but if they're down 72%, it strongly suggests that their business model is not working, and they're probably on their way out.

    2. kennethalmquist

      If my math is correct, total traffic is down 15.5%. Fox News, which is down 7%, accounts for 58% of the traffic. Truth Social accounts for 3.5% of the traffic.

  2. Dana Decker

    Why isn't One America News Network, also known as One America New listed?

    Generally speaking, OAN was frequently referenced when writing about MAGA-nation. But I haven't seen much of it at all for the last year or so. What happened?

  3. kenalovell

    Impossible to see any patterns there. Townhall and RedState, for example, are both Salem Media sites specialising in the same kind of puerile character assassination and creative fiction, yet one has increased traffic 33% while the other has gone backwards by twice as much. Why the loathsome Federalist should have enjoyed a boom is baffling; it's been churning out the same Christian nationalist propaganda as always.

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