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Raw data: What Democrats and Republicans think of federal agencies

Earlier today I came across a tweet from Kristen Soltis Anderson about a Pew Research poll asking people which federal agencies they viewed favorably.¹ Her primary takeaway is that between 2019 and 2023 Republican views of nearly every federal agency have cratered.

I was noodling around with this, and finally decided that much of it could probably be explained by a Democrat being president vs. a Republican being president. There's no way to tease this apart, so instead I went back and got survey data from 2015 as well. What I found was sort of interesting. First, here are Democrats:

The lines go from most to least favorable agency, and there aren't very many large changes between the years. Now here are Republicans:

This time it makes a considerable difference who the president is. In 2019 Republicans felt consistently more favorable toward federal agencies than they did under either Obama or Biden.

If you look at 2015 vs. 2023, Republican views are fairly consistent for all the agencies except these four:

  • FBI, down 35%
  • CDC, down 39%
  • CIA, down 25%
  • Veterans, up 22%

The FBI is down because lots of Republicans think they're out to get Donald Trump. The CDC is obviously down because of masks and vaccines and so forth. The CIA is down because they've disputed some of Trump's assertions about election fraud and Russian election interference. Veterans Affairs is up because Republicans were mad at them in 2015 due to some scandals surrounding wait times. (The same is true of Democrats, but to a smaller degree.)

So the upshot here is that Democrats have agencies they like and agencies they don't, and those views stay about the same regardless of who's in the White House. The opposite is true of Republicans: They consistently view the government less favorably when the opposition controls the White House, and they change their opinion of specific agencies when they view them as being anti-Republican.

¹The biggest winners were: the Postal Service, NASA, and the National Park Service.

11 thoughts on “Raw data: What Democrats and Republicans think of federal agencies

    1. DFPaul

      Well, wait till the Supreme Court has to rule on felony vs misdemeanor issues etc. They are going to love the court then

  1. iamr4man

    Republican voters really like the Park and Postal services. And yet Republican politicians are constantly trying to defund/destroy them. It kind of confuses me but I guess it just shows Republican voters are more interested in things they hate than things they like and Republican elites can do what they want so long as they cater to right wing hatred.

  2. Eve

    Google paid 99 dollars an hour on the internet. Everything I did was basic Οnline w0rk from comfort at hΟme for 5-7 hours per day that I g0t from this office I f0und over the web and they paid me 100 dollars each hour. For more details visit this article...

  3. cld

    People who vote for Republicans are like furries, except their furry characters are 'normal guy', 'normal guy who wouldn't hurt a fly', and 'really, wouldn't hurt a fly'.

  4. Jasper_in_Boston

    The lives of vast swaths of the MAGA/GOP base would be rendered infinitely more difficult, more unpleasant, more dangerous, and less secure and healthy without the public sector they apparently despise so much.

    The unwashed right wing masses are truly the most pathetic dupes and suckers ever born.

  5. samgamgee

    Further evidence that gives lie to the idea democrats make issues political and are not pragmatic. Republicans are weather vanes, easily triggered.

  6. Batchman

    You took data from 2019 and 2023, but you didn't include 2020. So you didn't take the effects of The Pandemic into account. That might have shown a low opinion of the CDC (et al.) during a Republican Presidency.

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