When I first put up this chart in February, Republicans had introduced 362 anti-trans bills. As of June, they've introduced 556:
This is stark raving mad, and there's no reason for it aside from pure tribal insanity. The whole business simply beggars belief.
"...and there's no reason for it aside from pure tribal insanity. .."
On the other hand some of us think it is the reflexive liberal support for "gender affirming care" for minor children that is the pure tribal insanity and that in 50 years it will be seen as the same sort of destructive medical fad prefrontal lobotomies are seen as today.
Perhaps you can favor us with your qualifications to arrive at such a judgement.
Or maybe provide proof of the industrial scale of turning boys into girls and vice versa...
"... industrial scale .."
Prefrontal lobotomies were never performed on an industrial scale they were still a bad idea. For that matter so called "conversion therapy" was never performed on an industrial scale but liberals had no trouble with laws banning it.
Rose Kennedy did nothing wrong!
Why does scale matter at all? It's happening, even if its small scale.
“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."
Here's a link to a Reuters article talking about how 5,500 children under 17 started on puberty blockers or cross sex hormones in 2021.
That's pretty industrial scale.
Throughout the entire 5 years of that study, which included 40 million child patients, there were only 121,882 new diagnoses of gender dysphoria, so a tiny 0.3%
Of those that had a gender dysphoria diagnosis only 17,683 received puberty blockers or hormonal therapy, that's 14.5% of those diagnosed with gender dysphoria, so close to 1 in 10.
A type of treatment that is only provided to 0.004% of children patients is as far as you can get from "pretty industrial scale".
This is correct.
Yes. And since the choir doesn't believe this ... "In less than a decade there has been a 1,460% increase in referrals of boys and a staggering 5,337% increase in girls" - that's for the UK's GIDS at Tavistock ... which is in the process of being broken up because it was broken.
That's a Fad. Not a truth. Not left-handed equivalency.
Or maybe listen to Jamie Reed - because she's a leftie lesbian with adopted kids married to a trans person and NOT a conservative operative.
Accept it, deal with and improve the quality of care and thus head off these attacks, because if you're not willing to police your own then someone else will do it for you.
Classic old school informed bigot post:
- Here are stats with no context or meaning!
- Appeal to authority, someone you might think identify with is also a bigot like me!
- And lastly, the kicker as always....my bigotry is your fault, you need to fix the problem by accepting my bigotry and doing what i demand!
Lol, good stuff.
Literally the same arguments about jews, blacks and homosexuals. Every few decades you can dust off the playbook and apply it to the new group de jour.
LOL back. Who made you the moral authority to determine bigotry? You seem bigoted against facts and the scientific process. Its the same old Queer Shuffle - when presented with facts just shout something about oppression and point at a unicorn.
The issue of policing here isn't about policing the trans community, its about policing activists and thus your comparison to the aforementioned groups aren't correct. Stop pushing insane bills that give the state the power to take children and surgically modify them without anything more evidence than some studies that are flimsier than single ply toilet paper.
Give me one example of "the state" taking and surgically modifying a child.
Yaeli Martinez.
Sorry, man, that Christina Drazen lost the Oregon governor race & you didn't get to enlist in "Halfjapanese Al Bundy" Joey Bishop's Salem-sanctioned paramilitary deathsquads with the remit of indiscriminate murder of the Portland unhoused.
I will send a bouquet to you & Joey's hypeperson "Vietnamese ladyboi" Andy Ngo in condolence.
Right-wing cranks trust the bigoted views of used car salesmen in the legislature more than parents and doctors.
Similar to the past 'tribal insanity' of providing medical care to african americans and women. Both groups were not worthy of basic medical treatment that made certain people uncomfortable and this maltreatment was always comically pitched as good for these groups of people.
The anti-rights reactionaries are always worked up about providing medical care to whatever group is the current fixation for their anger and bigotry.
Of course its always different this time, my bigotry is of course so very different than the past bigotry that is no longer fashionable.
Sex change procedures for children is not "basic medical care".
Where did you receive your medical degree from?
Neither is Viagra.
Exactly. Like I said in a comment below, a lot of this legislation is excessive but much of it is warranted. The fact that liberals support these sex change procedures for children is really unbelievable. And there's no way a boy should be playing on a girls sports team; both because of fairness and (in the case of contact sports) because of safety.
Boys and girls play on the same time all the time, and have done so forever. Physical growth differences don't really start to show in favor of the boys until they reach junior high. For those that are receiving hormonal treatment, it will not show up.
In every single State that has tried to ban the inclusion of trans kids in sports, the cases of them wanting to participate at most have always been in single digits (really just a literal handful), out of tens or hundreds of thousands.
The way this topic dominates right wing politics, with bigots and idiots like DeSantis making it his trademark cause, or Haley calling it the most important issue facing the country, you'd think there were armies of trans kids in every school trying to take over.
Come one. You're making ridiculous arguments. Of course there are some co-ed leagues, especially the kids are very young. The argument is not about league that are already co-ed. The vast majority of sports past the age of about 5 are not co-ed, for the very reason that it would not be safe for girls and they would be completely overmatched. (I'm obviously talking about competitive sports, not co-ed keg softball leagues and the such.)
As for the number of instances, so what? If it's happened once or more it deserves attention. Especially when some liberals are defending it.
The Little League Baseball® program includes divisions for all children, ages 4–16. Baseball divisions consist of the following programs:
Tee Ball – Ages 4-7
Minor League – Ages 5-11
Major Division – Ages 9-12
Intermediate (50/70) – Ages 11-13
Junior League – Ages 12-14
Senior League – Ages 13-16
All children, as in ALL children, boys and girls.
That's baseball, not softball. Yes, girls are allowed to play baseball. (And I've seen a few that have done so when they were early-mid elementary school age.) Boys are not allowed to play softball. Softball teams are female only.
Lying liars like our slaver apologist just can't keep themselves from lying:
But then again, this is the nutbar who feels it necessary to lie about the books he reads.
Are you that much of a nitwit that you don't know the difference between competitive softball little league and co-ed adult recreational keg leagues?
Don't bother. ScentOfViolets is an aggressive moron. A premium example of why our public schools are failing.
So girls playing baseball in teams that are composed primarily of boys are safe and not at risk of being overmatched (since none of you bigots are calling for that practice to end), but a single trans kid playing in an all girls softball team now puts all those girls at physical risk and risk of being overmatched?
That's definitely some right wing logic.
"The vast majority of sports past the age of about 5 are not co-ed, for the very reason that it would not be safe for girls and they would be completely overmatched."
Trans athletes have been allowed to compete in various sports at the semi-pro and pro levels for more than a decade, and there is not a single sport that has been overtaken from women by a trans athlete, or a single instance of any woman getting hurt as a result of a trans athlete.
As a Republican, I certainly hope all democrats run on this platform.
As a Republican, you run on lies, so it astonishes you that someone might dare run on the truth.
Do you have a child who suffers from gender dysphoria? I do. And during her childhood in the 1990's, I had no notion of how to help her.
Today, she thrives. PhD candidate in computer technology, doing research that helps keep the internet running without too many glitches.
That gender affirming care is crucial, just like insulin can be crucial or setting a broken arm can be crucial.
So as a mom of a transgender child, who has actually lived through a child's gender dysphoria, why do you think it's appropriate to be such a bully and bigot? Would you tell other parents to avoid insulin for a diabetic child? To not set a broken arm?
But you are a bully, and I am calling you out on it.
Their irrational hatreds are more important than your lived experience to them. Anything that can rile up the rubes is vital and no real world evidence is needed.
But you need some bigots in the legislature to tell you, your child, and their doctor how to order their lives.
Because West Virginia and Mississippi are thriving.
What a crock of shit.
How many liberals laws were passed supporting or mandating this care before you hateful bigots went on this crazy train?
How many liberal politicians were out there calling for all children to get this type of care consequences be damned like now you have virtually every conservative one demonizing it and calling for their criminalization?
Like on every issue, conservatives lash out at anything you don't understand and hate, which is almost everything for both instances, and then cowardly claim you are made to respond that way for some imaginary slight or offense. They made me do it is the excuse every conservative always has when doing or trying to do anything that leads to suffering and deaths.
Here, like on the issue of women's choice, or any other type of medical care, what the liberals have always supported is that the people seeking the care and the doctors overseeing the treatment are those in the best position and with the most knowledge to decide the best treatment according to the specific circumstances of each case.
Not according to you. According to you, a bunch of zealots in suits who have not heard a single detail of any case they are trying to ban, and have no real knowledge about the medical treatment options and their appropriateness in each case, are those who should be deciding.
Based on these laws and comments, you live in some alternate reality were there is some sort of rule that mandates "every kid that seeks gender affirming care must in all instances get the most extreme treatment right away no questions asked", and right away point at a handful of examples worldwide out of millions as the absolute truth that happens in every case, so everything must go no matter how many get hurt in the process due to an inability to get the medical care they need.
Or maybe you just haven't heard from all the children who got that care and appreciated it, and still appreciate it now that they are adults. This is the overwhelming empirical result.
The result is not universal, you can find people for whom it didn't go well. Legislatures are bringing in such people, usually from out-of-state, to testify that it was bad for them. Some of these have testified in front of several state legislatures. It makes that whole thing a bit suspicious. I mean, if it were universally bad, then you could find someone in-state, right? Especially in a state as big as Texas.
There is not a single medical intervention ever invented that has no side effects, and doesn't have somebody it doesn't work on. We still do them.
AND, this fuels sentiments like, "All trans people should be shot". That's not a hypothetical, it's what someone I vaguely know from the days of my youth posted on Facebook. A direct quote.
Do you endorse that? Do you think this indicates a climate where we can have a calm, reasoned discussion about care? Are you a physician? Do you know any trans children? Have you talked to their parents?
I have a trans child. She transitioned as an adult. I helped her. I do not regret it. It made her immensely happier. Transitioning probably saved her life.
But you think you know so much more about the topic than any of us tribal lefties.
"There is not a single medical intervention ever invented that has no side effects, and doesn't have somebody it doesn't work on. We still do them."
Not in all cases. Numerous drugs have been removed from the market because of excessive legal liability for claimed side effects. If it is not banned sooner my prediction is that "gender affirming care" for minors will cease when a critical mass of adult dissatisfied patients start suing. These suits will prove impossible to defend and will bankrupt everyone even tangentially involved.
Your prediction is worthless.
At least a federal judge just issued a scathing decision invalidating DeWoke's ban on gender affirmation care for minors, not that that will deter other states. If it gets to the Supreme Court, it will be interesting to see what the Republican judges do. What's the Catholic teaching on transgender people?
No he didn't. He put a stay on the order that prevented 3 people from getting their medication. The ban has not been invalidated. He was, possibly, scathing in his remarks.
That's an incredibly large amount of legislative effort to persecute a tiny number of people.
I think that's why they are doing it. The targets are small in number, thought to be weak in power, and so alien to the rank and file undefendable. So much power will have to brought to bear against the onslaught for the defense, they'll slip around the flanks to get what they really want done: the continued erosion of the State and its associated safety nets.
Well, that and the fact that it's incrediby cheap.
Small in number, but powerful enough to get me, from Miller Country, to switch to Bud Lite, for as long as the White Power Nation of Kid Rock n' Matt Walsh are going jihad on Dylan Mulvaney.
"a tiny number of people"
Yes, we Lefties may deplore the R's and their support for the tiny number of billionaires and huge international corporations -- but the D's also go all out to support the tiny number of people who... want to use a particular bathroom.
No wonder "the majority" seems disinclined to vote. Who is at their back?
You don’t seem to be aware that it’s Republicans who are pushing these laws. The bathroom bill originated with North Carolina Republicans.
Democrats are merely pointing out the cruel insanity of right-wing thugs.
What MAGAs are really afraid of is loss of White Christian Supremacy. The White part is most important to them and what basically drives them to insanity, but Republican politicians can no longer come out openly in favor of racism. So aside from non-standard sexuality being not conformable to their idea of "Christian" morality, this issue serves as symbol to get the base stirred up. The objective of all this is distraction from Republicans' economic policies (yes, they do have them - tax cuts and deregulation).
I usually respect your opinions and you express them very rationally and clearly. But you've got it wrong with this one. This doesn't have anything to do with white supremacy or bigotry. People just don't agree with kids having sex change procedures. This would have been unthinkable to most people until recently. And, any rational person should be able to see the unfairness of boys competing against girls in sports.
Only a small fraction of that total legislative effort relates to "kids having sex change procedures".
Agreed. As I said in other comments, a lot of it is excessive and unwarranted. But I totally agree with preventing sex change procedures for children and preventing boys from playing in girls competitive sports.
Because you think a bunch of right-wing cranks in a part-time state legislature are smarter than parents and doctors?
4,830 breast augmentation procedures were performed on minors in 2011. Are right-wing male legislators upset by that? Of course not. They probably have reminders in calendars to congratulate those girls when they turn 18 and invite them to a special celebration.
How else is the (aggressively MAGA) maths teacher's 16 year old lover to keep his interest, when there are blossoming 14 year olds coming up the pike every year?
On another matter your rotating quote banner just came up with
"Markets can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent. —John Maynard Keynes"
The attribution to Keynes is false (like many quotes attributed to famous people).
Still commonly attributed to Keynes, but Quote Investigator has Schilling as the leading candidate--though it is some what of a riff on a Keynes quote:
I don't think it's true that the only reason is tribal insanity. Think about it. If you're the Heritage Foundation, you don't have a hell of a lot of good arguments on your side. So when you see one - like, "maybe we should be careful about transing kids" - of course you're going to leap on it and run it for all it's worth. The concept makes a lot of sense, even if they take it too far in some instances.
I don't know what to make of the sudden increase in "clinically significant distress or impairment related to gender incongruence" from teenagers and younger kids. Psychotherapy, drug therapy, surgery, suicide prevention... Is it social contagion? Is it suddenly more acceptable? (apparently not really based on the reactions). Did activists, suddenly issueless after the SSM victory, latch on to a new fringe movement? If so... oops. That seems to have backfired.
"Human Rights Campaign declares state of emergency for LGBT..."
Thanks for nothin'. I suspect that, eventually, this movement will splinter once the LG and B folks realize they have little to gain by advocating for the TQIA2+ fringe. What does a gay man or lesbian woman really have in common with the curious, questioning, and confused? The tolerance of homosexuality was always contingent on them assimilating into heterosexual culture with little disruption. SSM was supposed to civilize the gays and lesbians into monogamy. But then along came this sudden wave (or just a ripple) of trans and queer and non-binary and pansexual and aromantic / asexual and some weird 2 spirit silliness. (LGBTQIA2+) And it started affecting children and teens. Some kids were suddenly in distress and often portrayed as suicidal by statistics. Better to let your kid transition, parents were told, then to have them commit suicide. Yikes! Cue the backlash of anger and indignation stirred up by demagogues and social media. Suddenly the so called "allies" were heading for the hills when it became unprofitable to associate themselves with "pride". Funny stuff. Little Dylan Mulvaney set the cause of gay rights back 40 years for a social media stunt.
Whatever the case, it's going to be a bumpy ride. Good luck.
Of course its social contagion. We are seeing the same shit in the same population with Tourettes:
and with multiple personality disorder:
and with eating disorders:
But when same sex marriage was legalized we had 1) a large institutional infrastructure that needed a new cause to remain employed and 2) the usual rich people and companies that needed a worthy cause to donate to to mask their rapacity, greed, and harmfulness.
American male toxic aggression has left no social space for effeminate men to flourish nor any reason for them to remain associated with this enraged sexual designation. They reject the patriarchal role they have been subjected to adopt and this only infuriates the butch, who lash out with a bigotry popular with the subjects of their domination.
A lot of it is excessive. But some of it is warranted. Most people don't think boys should be playing on girls sports teams. And sex change procedures for children should be banned.
And, of course there's more legislation now than in the past. Just a few years ago probably the majority of the population had never even heard the term "transsexual". They are now the cause celebre of the left and impossible to ignore.
Yeah - the Biden administration is releasing rulemaking on transgender athletes. They were clever about it.
The topline is "no categorical bans" which makes the NYTimes happy, but the details are that schools can ban transgender athletes from individual sports based on competitiveness and safety concerns. So the Biden administration is turning a moral issue into a fact-based issue.
In the 2016 to 2020 period the official position was that MtF transgender athletes did not have any competitive advantage in sports. But at this point, in what is basically an exercise in stating the obvious, we have plenty of evidence that in the majority of sports there exists a massive competitiveness difference between men and women.
Didn't realize the Biden admin was doing this. Good for them. But, I do hear liberals often say they want to "ban trans people from playing sports". No one was ever trying to do this. They were just saying MtF athletes could not play girls sports. No one was saying that can't play boys sports.
Biden is very clever. I have developed an immense respect for him over the last several months. He has a knack for bypassing the crazies and addressing the concerns of the moderates.
W.r.t the border - he has created a program that allows people to apply for asylum in their country of origin. But if they attempt to cross the border illegally, then they will not be allowed to enter. Notice how this defuses the arguments of the crazies while addressing the concerns of the moderates - nobody has to risk attempting to cross the border, a program intended to political asylum will not be abused by economic migrants, and the rule of law is respected.
And then we have the debt ceiling. Where the media was salivating over the possibility of some made-for-tv showdown, and had to make due with "will 150 republicans vote for this, or only 149?"
What about the FtMs. Can they play girls' sports? It seems that the testosterone supplements would give them a significant advantage.
The beauty of Biden's approach is that the question will be settled based on whether or not it does give them a significant advantage, and presumably on a per-sport basis. Not on the basis of animus, or a desire to own the Chuds.
Google Quinn. Transman Canadian international who plays for OL Reign in National Women's Soccer League.
Re: "transsexual"
Anyone who has watched the Rocky Horror Picture Show is familiar with the term.
Just sayin' ...
Wasn't it "transvestite'" in that movie? Not sure if the two are are synonyms and transsexual is the new more politically correct term or if they have different meanings.
No. A transvestite is a person who prefers to dress in the clothing usually associated with the other sex; they may be, and often are, entirely cis and heterosexual. They're considerably more common than transsexuals.
If someone is a transsexual does that mean they are automatically not heterosexual? (Not being snarky, honestly have no idea). There was an article in the paper the other day about two trans people (men dressing as women) who were now dating. Does that mean they are both homosexual? Both heterosexual?
You can make the questions a bit easier by swapping out "transsexual" for the more modern and accurate "transgender".
I suppose the people in your article would be properly described as homosexual trans women.
p.s. apparently Newsweek still exists
“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere." -- Martin Luther King, Jr.
"It's not happening. And if it is, it's a good thing, bigot."
Exactly. And yes, for all of you that insist no double mastectomies are being done on children, hold that thought in your brain until you can resolve it.
This icky thing is happening at a microscopic level. The State must get involved!
Kids are being gunned down in school at increasing rates. Nothing to be done about that.
They should do something about too. They are not mutually exclusive.
According to Reuters, about 5,500 children (under 17) initiated puberty blockers or cross-sex hormones in 2021 alone ( https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/usa-transyouth-data/ )
"Microscopic -- I don't think it means what you think it means."
Newsweek just had to go hard right, gender "realist" after its similarly legacy press rival Playboy, under Cooper Hefner's leadership, had a translady centerfold.
I would likely find many of these bills to be horrible/ against my values. However, several of these bills are parent notification bills. Similar to eating disorders, suicidal concerns etc, they add gender to the list of things that professional (doctors and health care professionals) must notice parents.
Given high suicidal outcomes for gender questioning teens they are merits to this, in my opinion
For teachers, being enjoined from notifying parents about their children's gender issues puts them between a rock and hard place when the parents come to ask about how little Johnny/Janie is doing. The teacher will either have to violate the child's gender privacy or misgender the child when speaking to the parents. Either one is anathema to the pro-trans folk.
The merits to parental notification depend very much on the parents. If the parents are likely to be caring and sympathetic, the kids will let them know. If the children don't want their parents to know, they have probably figured out that their parents will react badly, likely increasing the kids' suicide risk.
The dynamics of family relationships and the perception of how parents may or may not react should not have any bearing on schools withholding information from parents about their kids.
Butch Republicans have identified a vulnerable victim that many of their followers want to malign. Those who reject American toxic masculinity will be publicly buggered to bring joy to those dominated by economic and patriarchal hierarchies.
In general, I support decisions like these being made between a patient, their parents (if they're minors) and a doctor. Certainly not the local state legislature.
But I really do feel that this "affirmative care" model is absolutely insane.
AFAICT, in the US, putting a child on puberty blockers almost always leads to the child going on to cross sex hormone treatment; the percentage is something like 98% (the NIH here says the # is over 90% -- https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35758886 )
That means those children will likely lose their fertility and probably their ability to orgasm. They will be on strong drugs with unknown long term effects for the rest of their lives. It seems impossible to believe that a 10-12 year old child can provide informed consent to these treatments.
Yet the affirmative care model doesn't mandate or even recommend therapy before going down this road. Here, for example, is Planned Parenthood's description of hormone treatment -- https://www.plannedparenthood.org/planned-parenthood-western-pennsylvania/patients/introducing-hormone-therapy/preparing-your-hormone-therapy-visit . You'll note that they say you'll likely walk out with a prescription after your first visit.
Does it really make sense to start as child down this medicalization path, when in all likelihood, they'd outgrow their gender dysphoria after puberty ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Detransition states that between 60-98% of untreated children outgrow dysphoria)?
And these are not small numbers--over 5000 children were started on puberty blockers in 2021 alone, and the numbers are rising.
You'll also note that in the UK, France, Sweden, Finland and Norway, the national health departments no longer recommend drugs or surgery for treating GD in youth.
So, while I think that legislative action is usually unwarranted in medical decisions, and DeSantis is an evil cretin, I also feel compassion for 5000 children a year who are being maimed by an experimental treatment for GD that has no real evidence of helping those children.
Absolutely correct.
But lets not leave the medical profession out. Yes, the "Parent, Child, Doctor" triumvirate is essential ... but what do we do when the Doctor is promoting unsafe, unproven therapies? This is why the state has to come in and regulate what is considered appropriate - from Brazilian ButtLifts to Prayer Therapy and yes, gender medicine.
So yeah, the government shouldn't be there ... unless they need to be. Prove these are safe and effective with some real science and then the state won't be involved.
"Yet the affirmative care model doesn't mandate or even recommend therapy before going down this road. Here, for example, is Planned Parenthood's description of hormone treatment --"
This is a perfect example of how scaremongering works. The Plan Parenthood example you use to highlight how scary and irresponsible these treatments are, and how they put minors at risk, explicitly states that the patient needs to be over the age of 18. So why reference something that doesn't even apply to minors?
"over 5000 children were started on puberty blockers in 2021 alone"
Of over 40,000 new diagnoses that year. That's close to 1 in 10. That's a very small number when talking about medical treatments for the same condition.
"You'll also note that in the UK, France, Sweden, Finland and Norway, the national health departments no longer recommend drugs or surgery for treating GD in youth."
Yet they didn't ban, demonize, or criminalized the medical care as Republicans have done and continue to attempt in the US, they just said assess each case individually, and proceed accordingly to see if they should receive hormonal interventions based on the circumstances.
"I also feel compassion for 5000 children a year who are being maimed "
This is flat out bull shit, otherwise Republicans would have at least 5000 children to be paraded around in every legislature, instead of the same 2 or 3 they bring to every State when pushing all these bans. Are there cases where the treatment may not work as intended, or even make things worse? Sure, it happens to all medical treatments, no matter the purpose of the treatment, or the condition being treated, but to state that each and every one of those treated are being maimed or hurt is pure nuttiness and detachment from reality.
What makes you think any more than 2 or 3 people who've been through this want to be involved in politics and held up to public scrutiny at this level?
I would like to point out that two of your main points are consistent with successfully functioning medical care:
1. "putting a child on puberty blockers almost always leads to the child going on to cross sex hormone treatment... (90%)"
2. "60-98% of untreated children outgrow dysphoria"
That seems to indicate that children who will outgrow their dysphoria are correctly steered away form medical intervention and those who are assessed as needing intervention actually did need it and continue down that seemingly correct path.
I would also like to note that you use the total figure of 5,000 children per year started on puberty blockers as if it is the total number of mistreatments. You need to have compassion as well for those who need this treatment but are denied it by the conservative nannie state.
I never claimed that PP treated gender dysphoric minors. I was using their page as an example of what the "affirmative care" model means. Even if you're 18, I'd hope someone would see a therapist before irreversibly damaging healthy organs.
As for the 5000 children getting puberty blockers or cross-sex hormones, sorry, but not bullshit. I thought I put in a reference, but I forgot. Here it is, from those right wingers at Reuters -- https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/usa-transyouth-data/ . And I don't consider 5000 people a year a small number of affected children.
I'm not saying that these treatments should be made illegal; I have no real idea what the solution here is, but I know that DeSantis is acting in bad faith. But I am not convinced these kids are being well served by the affirmative care model.
So, you have extensive medical experience to back up these misgivings? Do you believe that those 5000 kids have been abused against their and their parents wishes? Or do you just find the idea of gender dysphoria icky and want to make it go away?
No, I'm not a doctor, nor do I play one on TV. However, the judgement of real professional experts in the UK, Finland, France, Sweden, and Norway did result in treatment of GD in young people moving away from medicalization in those countries. Even as a non-professional, you can find professionals explaining the results of taking puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones on a person's sexual development.
I have no problem with adults deciding they want to do anything they want to with their bodies. I very much doubt that a 10-12 year old, about to start puberty blockers that will almost certainly lead to cross sex hormones, is able to give informed consent about whether they will ever want to have children, an orgasm, or a life without taking hormones forever. As a parent, I find it very hard to imagine myself making that decision for my child, either, especially given the high likelihood that the child will change their mind after going through puberty.
& this makes you happy, eh, Kev.
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