The White House sent out some talking points to help you deal with your Fox-loving uncle on Thanksgiving Day, and I wish they hadn't. This is one of the most tiresome memes ever.
But if you're going to do it anyway, for God's sake please proofread it:
Two typos in a single sentence? It should be "No NEW taxes on people making LESS THAN $400k."
On the bright side, I can think of plenty of lunatic conservatives and billionaires who would be pretty delighted by the original formulation.
My cousin could truly receive money in their spare time on their laptop. their best friend had been doing this 4 only about 12 months and by now cleared the debt. in their mini mansion and bought a great Car.
That is what we do..
Time to turn on the parade (didn't even mention TV) and take a nap...
I’d say the White House copy fit or had decamped for Mother Jones but it is clear they are in desperate need of one also.
Also, early, often…
Sheesh, and my local copy editor…
Or "the phone call is coming from within the house?" could explain it.
MSNBC has more that its share of typos as well. Cringeworthy considering how much money is behind them.