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There are some migrants with “ISIS ties” at large in America

400 terrorist illegal immigrants have been allowed into the US!

Sigh. Debate moderators are suckers for breaking news, so I suppose we'll have to waste time on this tomorrow night. The story comes from NBC News, which says this:

  • The migrants are of concern because of "potential" ties to ISIS.
  • What this appears to mean is that ISIS makes money by running a smuggling operation in Central Asia.
  • None of the migrants seem to pose any kind of threat. They are being rounded up "out of an abundance of caution."
  • Only 50 are at large. About 150 have already been arrested and the other 200 are mysteriously missing from the NBC story. Apparently (?) they've been deported or left on their own.

Bottom line: There are about 50 migrants from Central Asia roaming around the country, none of whom pose a threat. That's it.

39 thoughts on “There are some migrants with “ISIS ties” at large in America

  1. DarkBrandon

    One of the candidates rapes our women, employs undocumented immigrants, and has snuck an eastern European sex worker across the border to share his bed.

    He is actively seeking to overthrow the U.S. goverment, is a 34x convicted felon, and has stolen top secret documents and kept them in his home. He is possibly in the employ of our adversaries. He is dangerous, displays no regard for human life, and should not be approached.

    1. Elctrk

      In this rural Ohio diner, the chatter is about high hopes for the high school team, soy bean futures, and the baggage that both Presidential candidates are carrying.

      The New York Times

  2. DFPaul

    Nevertheless, an interesting debate question might be: in whose congressional district did the only US terrorism incident launched by Al Qaeda post-9/11 occur?

    Answer: Matt Gaetz's district.

    And you were thinking it had to be Pelosi or Ilhan Omar...

    1. Elctrk

      Data shows conclusively that most terrorism happens in deep Red Congressional districts. But these suburban Dads just know that's wrong.

      Let's read more in this NYT article.

  3. different_name

    There are far more rapists, violent thieves and murderers living their best lives, free, in many small towns across the United States.

    Many have never even had contact with the criminal justice system.

    They could be your neighbor. Or your local cop. Or working at your kids' charter school.

    Scared yet?

  4. Citizen99

    Here's what gets me. In 2001, a bunch of al Qaida terrorists who were known to the FBI and CIA managed to go to flight schools and then hijack 3 planes and crash them into buildings, killing about 3000 people. It was known that the president was advised that "al Qaida plans to strike in the United States." That president goes to NY, stands on a pile of rubble, and gives a Hollywood-style speech about getting the killers.

    President's approval rating shoots over 80%.

    Now, in 2024, the Feds have identified a bunch of suspected ISIS-tied people, have rounded up most of them, and no attacks have happened. They are working to get every last one.

    President's approval rating is 38%.

    Maybe president and his party should talk about how he is PREVENTING another terrorist attack.

        1. Bardi

          The government felt that there were to be up to ten aircraft hijacked.

          There was at least one more that was delayed and when the passengers deplaned some six or seven ME looking individuals threw a fit.

    1. Austin

      Obviously the lesson is: let the attack happen but limit it to just a couple thousand Americans, then pursue a policy of televised crushing our enemies (whether or not said enemies actually were responsible) and coast to re-election. The electorate will reward nothing else, not even preventing the initial American deaths to begin with.

  5. dilbert dogbert

    I just read of a Chinese gang just arrested in Italy for running immigrants from China; who are flown into the eastern EU then driven to Italy in luxury cars. The gang takes their passports and distributes them to slave like jobs around the EU.

  6. rick_jones

    Is there a horde of terrorists wandering around the country? Probably not. But why so sanguine about the desires and abilities of a known terrorist organization to smuggle people into the country?

    1. bebopman

      Why panic? Every terrorist group is trying to smuggle people in and probably have. The Chinese are doing naughty things out of their offices in the u.s. Russian operatives in the U.S. are trying to make trouble (some hooking up with the NRA). The Israelis have had and probably still has spies inside our government. And the biggest threats to the country by far are Americans, Trump voters who see him as a vehicle to overthrowing democracy and installing a fascist state. A few dudes with potential ties to Isis are gonna have to take a number and sit waaaaay back in the room. You know that scene from “Beetlejuice”?

    1. RZM

      9/11 was a disaster not just because 3000 people were murdered despite all the warnings from the outgoing Clinton administration that might have stopped it but because we reacted rashly, like a chicken with our heads cut off, started wars in two countries that cost many more lives and a lot more money, tortured peopled and abandoned our moral compass and generally did EXACTLY what Osama Bin Laden wanted us to do instead of quietly, systematically rounding up the perpetrators and bringing them to justice. But you prefer the chest pounding John Wayne Hollywood War Movie path. You've learned nothing.

  7. D_Ohrk_E1

    It's somewhat misunderstood what happened here. The reason why DHS/Border can identify who they're looking for is because these ppl gave themselves up at the border, claiming asylum. Why they're only now being chased down is because they US only just recently received intelligence on the backgrounds of these folks. My guess is, because they're from the Caucasus, the intel probably came from Russia. If that's the case, then it's likely a belated quid pro quo for identifying ISIS-K members involved in that attack in Moscow earlier this year, even though Moscow did not bother to pursue the ppl until after the attack.

  8. bebopman

    Nothing to worry about citizens! Trump destroyed “100 percent” of Isis 6 years ago. Apparently, these migrants have not been in contact with their handlers for more than 6 years, and no one has bothered to tell them that trump is triumphant. …. Biden should ask him what happened.

    1. Justin

      In other immigrant news...

      From California to Maine, Chinese organized crime has come to dominate much of the nation’s illicit marijuana trade, an investigation by ProPublica and The Frontier has found. Along with the explosive growth of this criminal industry, the gangsters have unleashed lawlessness: violence, drug trafficking, money laundering, gambling, bribery, document fraud, bank fraud, environmental damage and theft of water and electricity.

      Chinese organized crime “has taken over marijuana in Oklahoma and the United States,” said Donnie Anderson, the director of the Oklahoma Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs, in an interview.

      Among the victims are thousands of Chinese immigrants, many of them smuggled across the Mexican border to toil in often abusive conditions at farms ringed by fences, surveillance cameras and guards with guns and machetes. A grim offshoot of this indentured servitude: Traffickers force Chinese immigrant women into prostitution for the bosses of the agricultural workforce.

      See, we really do need these migrant workers!

  9. Boronx

    Just curious, but why the word migrant? Is that just the scary version of immigrant now?

    Migrant used to mean immigrant who moved in temporarily for work before going back home.

    Now it seems to mean scary brown person.

    1. Crissa

      Because there are people who are documented, those who aren't, those who are refugees who intend to go home, those who have completed the process of immigration, those who haven't, those who just work or go to school here...

      Only those who are in the process of, or have completed their immigration naturalization are immigrants.

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