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Thou shalt display the Protestant version of the Ten Commandments — if you’re a school in Louisiana

Louisiana has decided that all schools in the state should display the Ten Commandments:

The law gives schools until Jan. 1 to display the Ten Commandments — religious and ethical directives outlined in the Bible — on “a poster or framed document that is at least eleven inches by fourteen inches” in every classroom. The commandments have to be the display’s “central focus” and be “printed in a large, easily readable font.”

And not just any Ten Commandments, either. The Protestant Ten Commandments:

I wonder what translation they settled on? It has lots of "thou shalts," but it also bowdlerizes "ox and ass" to "cattle." I don't recognize it, but you can't have the word ass around little children, I guess.

We'll see how this plays out. A local judge will probably approve it, and the Fifth Circuit probably will too even though it's plainly illegal under current precedent. Then it's on to the Supreme Court, which banned the Ten Commandments in schools many decades ago. But it was a 5-4 decision. I suppose it could easily go the other way now that we have more committed conservatives on the court.

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