CNN has a transcript of a 2021 conversation in which Donald Trump is complaining that Gen. Mark Milley said Trump wanted to attack Iran. Then he waved around a document that apparently says the opposite:
This totally wins my case, you know. Except it is like, highly confidential. Secret. This is secret information....As president, I could have declassified, but now I can’t.
This acknowledgment that (a) the document is classified and (b) he can no longer declassify it undercuts Trump's longtime claim that he declassified all the documents found at Mar-a-Lago. Since this was likely going to be part of his defense in the documents case, it's critical evidence for the prosecution. Whatever else Trump has to say, this demonstrates that the documents he refused to turn over were classified and he knew it.
Open mouth, insert foot. This is t-Rump. Then deny, deny. What a guy.
Clearly he was lying to CNN and waving around a blank piece of paper.
If the paper he was waving around actually said what Trump said it said, he would have claimed to have magically declassified it and shown everyone. But of course it's virtually certain he was lying and saying it was still classified so someone couldn't call his bluff. He uses Schrödinger's Classification System: everything is both classified and declassified simultaneously depending on whatever Trump thinks will make him look good at the moment.
Almost everything he is charged with doesn't rely on whether or not the documents were classified. The Espionage Act charge, for instance, references "vital national security information" or something like that. Whether or not it is classified.
And most of the other charges are obstruction of justice charges, lying to feds, conspiracy, witness tampering, etc. Terrible stuff.
He can bullshit all he wants, but there is not going to be a shred of evidence that he declassified any of the document taken from the WH, and there was no standing order to automatically classify any document taken from the WH, because that is all utter bullshit. His crime is, as always, obstruction of justice.