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Trump says AI wrote one of his speeches

Donald Trump says one of his recent speeches was rewritten by an AI program:

“I had a speech rewritten by AI out there, one of the top people,” Trump said. “He said, ‘Oh, you’re gonna make a speech? Yeah?’ He goes, click, click, click, and like, 15 seconds later, he shows me my speech that’s written that’s great, so beautifully. I said, ‘I’m gonna use this.’ I’ve never seen anything like it.” Trump did not say at what event he had used the AI-generated speech.

He predicted that AI’s oratorical gifts could sound the death knell for speech writers, long a part of Washington’s political landscape. “One industry I think that will be gone are these wonderful speechwriters,” he said. I’ve never seen anything like it, and so quickly, a matter of literally minutes, it’s done. It’s a little bit scary.”

Interesting if true. Unfortunately, this is Donald Trump we're dealing with, so maybe it's true, maybe it's not. Maybe he's lying, since he does that routinely. Maybe he's exaggerating, and it was just a single paragraph that was rewritten. Maybe it was just a sentence. Who knows? I sure haven't heard any recent speeches of his that sounded any different than his usual buffoonery.

42 thoughts on “Trump says AI wrote one of his speeches

    1. D_Ohrk_E1

      I asked GPT4o to write one about the history of the emperor penguin. It wasn't very close.

      "Ladies and gentlemen, let me tell you about the incredible history of the emperor penguin. These birds, folks, they are truly amazing. They live in Antarctica, the coldest place on Earth. It's tremendous, really. The emperor penguin, the largest of all penguin species, has been around for thousands of years. They’re survivors, folks. Despite the harsh conditions, they thrive. They endure temperatures that would make a polar bear shiver.

      Now, these penguins are not just surviving, they’re thriving. They have a fantastic breeding process. The male, a real gentleman, keeps the egg warm for two months. Imagine that, standing there in the freezing cold, balancing an egg on your feet. That’s dedication.

      And let’s talk about their march. They travel miles and miles over the ice, just to find food. Incredible. They have a sense of community and teamwork, something we can all learn from.

      The emperor penguin is a symbol of resilience and strength. They show us that even in the toughest conditions, you can succeed. We should be inspired by their story, by their determination. Let’s give it up for the emperor penguins, folks. They’re truly the greatest. Thank you."

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      1. emjayay

        You must have instructed it to write the speech similar to a Trump speech though (or you actually wrote it yourself in that form?)

      2. ProudMonkey

        I tried to get ChatGPT to Trump it up more:
        Ladies and gentlemen, I’ve got to tell you, this is something spectacular, really spectacular. We’re talking about the emperor penguin, folks, the champions of Antarctica. And Antarctica, believe me, it's not just cold, it's the coldest, the absolute coldest place you can imagine. These emperor penguins, they're the biggest, the boldest, the absolute best penguins out there. They’ve survived thousands of years, can you believe it? Thousands! They’re not just survivors, they're conquerors, folks.

        Now, listen to this, because it’s incredible. These emperor penguins, they’re not just hanging on, they’re dominating. Their breeding process? Phenomenal. The male penguin, a true hero, stands there in sub-zero, freezing temperatures, balancing an egg on his feet for two whole months. That’s not just commitment, that's super-penguin strength! And those chinstrap penguins? Don't get me started. They're a mess, a real mess. Not even in the same league!

        And their march, folks, their march is something else. Miles and miles across the ice, braving blizzards to find food. It’s not just a walk; it’s an epic journey. These emperor penguins, they stick together, they work as a team. Unlike those chinstrap penguins—always slipping, sliding, and whining. No teamwork, no class!

        And I have to say, while we’re on the topic of things that are a total disaster, let’s talk about windmills. Windmills are a catastrophe! Big, ugly, noisy! They say they’re for energy? I say they’re for the birds—literally, because they’re killing them all! A terrible, terrible idea.

        Back to our penguins—folks, these emperor penguins, they are a symbol of power, of unstoppable spirit. They show us that no matter how tough, how frozen the world gets, you can thrive, you can excel. Let’s hear it for the emperor penguins! Truly, they are the kings of the ice. Thank you, thank you very much!

        1. ColBatGuano

          Where's the big, tough wildlife biologist who comes up to Trump with tears in his eyes and says "Sir, you know more about penguins than I even though I've studied them for 25 years."

      3. shapeofsociety

        Been a while since I laughed this hard. Well done.

        Now we just need another AI to make a deepfake video of Trump delivering it.

  1. clawback

    Generating unimaginative fourth-grade level speech is the perfect application for current AI. No one will be able to tell the difference.

    1. wvmcl2

      I had the same thought. AI doesn't have to be very intelligent to write a Donald Trump speech. A monkey with a typewriter could probably do it.

      1. dilbert dogbert

        His speeches are written to be listened to by his supporters. The speeches are a perfect match with his supporters.

  2. KJK

    You know how to tell if Trump is lying, (i) there is sound coming out of his orange pie hole, and (ii) there is bull shit emanating from his short, fat, tweeting fingers.

    Everything he says is a lie until proven otherwise. Unfortunately, the media after so many years still does not learn. And I fucking hate calling his bold face lies "falsehoods". Its way too polite a term for a pathological liar.

    1. lower-case

      just call it bullshit

      even things that might be narrowly true are still bullshit when it comes from trump's mouth

      1. Kevin M

        Exactly. Nominally true statements that come out of his mouth are, without fail, used to serve other lies and/or to support his narcissism.

  3. realrobmac

    Even if AI could generate a Trump speech, it's doing this based on pre-existing Trump speeches. So if we do enter a world where speeches and other kinds of content are routinely being generated by AI we will have AIs cribbing off of things written by humans up until 2024. And then from that point on AIs will be cribbing off of things other AIs have cribbed from things written by humans up until 2024.

    Sounds awesome.

  4. memyselfandi

    AI speeches are perfect to Trump since AI is designed such that any connection to reality is purely coincidental.

  5. jeffreycmcmahon

    So in other words some dipshit at Mar-a-Lago gave him a million bucks and part of the deal was to say nice things about AI bullshit.

    Anyway, no, AI is not going to replace speechwriters, because AI doesn't know how to actually build emotional resonances, it just knows how to generate a copy of what it thinks a speech looks like, in generic pudding form.

  6. Leo1008

    As best I understand AI, it cannot in fact write anything.

    This is a relatively new topic, so my understanding (and societal views) may indeed continue to evolve;

    But, writing is and always will be a human act. And I’m increasingly amazed that I even need to say that.

    In fact, one of the most profound realizations for me since AI started dominating headlines is this: an alarming number of people genuinely do not seem to understand their own humanity.

    I realize there are different types of AI, so I’m speaking very generally when I say that AI, as best I understand it, collates. It gathers and processes data and information. It can then present its results according to certain prompts.

    And each one of those functions is indeed an important aspect of writing. But they do not encompass writing.

    The full act of writing also incorporates human consciousness. And consciousness manifests in numerous ways in any creative endeavor. These manifestations include but are not limited to inspiration, intuition, imagination, hope, love, and insight.

    Any sort of entity which employs the collation aspects of writing but leaves out the consciousness is not really writing. It’s just collating. That’s why, as I said, writing is a human act.

    So AI did not write a Trump speech, though it may very well have collated a facsimile of one.

    And these distinctions, apparently, will become more important as time goes on. But if that forces us to reflect more on what it actually means to be human, that may be a good thing!

  7. shapeofsociety

    AI can definitely write speeches for Trump and be just as good or better as what he'd get normally, but for regular pols... no. The moment your AI speechwriter hallucinates, you're on the hook for days of media mockery. Paying a human speechwriter to make sure your facts are straight? Worth the cost.

  8. pjcamp1905

    For a second there, I thought he thought A. I. is a person.

    And you know what? I wasn't fazed. I was surprised when I discovered I was wrong.

  9. Jimbo

    As noted previously, AI may be intelligent, but not very intelligent. So, perfect for writing Trump's speeches.

  10. nasruddin

    This is so dangerous.
    Long after his physical body is dissolved, this persona will live on and on with fake videos and up-to-the-minute AI speeches crafted on demand.

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