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We all miss Socks, don’t we?

15 thoughts on “We all miss Socks, don’t we?

  1. Joseph Harbin

    I hadn't heard about the Clinton socks case. Apparently it's this:

    During his White House tenure, Bill Clinton spoke at some length with Pulitzer Prize-winning author Taylor Branch, and as part of the project, there were many recordings of their conversations. According to one 2007 account, tapes were at one point stored in a sock drawer.

    A conservative group called Judicial Watch filed a lawsuit, demanding that Clinton be forced to turn over the recordings. In 2012, a federal court rejected the organization’s claims, concluding that the tapes were personal records, not official presidential materials.

    I forget how the missing W keys on keyboards scandal turned out, but Trump might have a stronger case with this: Clinton took all the W keys on White House computer keyboards when he left office. I took boatloads of classified documents marked Top Secret. There is no crime. You see, taking what you want is allowed by law.

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  2. Ken Rhodes

    The proper reply to the Judicial Watch lawsuit should have come from Socks:

    "Those recordings belong to me, not to President Clinton. He merely recorded and saved them for me because I lack the dexterity in my somewhat limited hands to manipulate the controls on the recording machine. And as you well know, there is no legal requirement to preserve or turn over recordings belonging to a household monarch ... oops, I mean household pet."

  3. different_name

    Even worse, it appears that modern Republicans just really need Democratic cock in their lives.

    They've been ranting and hating on the Clenis for almost 25 years now, and it shows - to the extent that they're making new Republicans, none of them born since then have quite the same obsession with Bill's balls. It really was a had-to-be-there-moment.

    So they're trying to get some of the old glory back with Hunter B's dick. But I really don't think there's a substitute - once you've have a real man like Bill, it is hard to let go of that.

  4. jte21

    So he's really going to die on this hill is he? That top-secret intelligence documents he got to look at while he was president are actually personal mementos he can frame and put up on the wall of his study? Good luck with that.

    House intelligence committee is due to receive a damage assessment from the DNI in the next few weeks on the Trump docs. That should be fun.

  5. geordie

    For those who aren't familiar the Clinton socks case(s) has nothing to do with the cat of that name. It actually has to do with copies of some tapes that Clinton recorded to use as resources to create his autobiography. He supposedly at one point kept the recordings in his sock drawer. The courts sided with Clinton that the recordings were not presidential records. Trump and his enablers have been trying to use that case as precedent that Trump is entitled to keep top secret documents in his basement.

  6. Salamander

    Socks, may he rest in peace, died in 2009 at about the age of 20. He's missed a lot more than that former guy (why doesn't he check out, so we can miss him?)

  7. KJK

    If Orange Jesus arranged to have golden shower videos recorded during his occupation of the White House, I think they belong to him. He can also keep the tapes of Melania extorting better prenup terms from him if they exist.

    Any similar tapes received from his uncle Vlad (during his 4 year occupation of the WH) would be property of the US government since they came from a foreign leader. The tapes of him extorting Zelenskyy are also US property.

  8. pjcamp1905

    Pretty sure that's referring to Sandy Berger, who sneaked some classified documents out by stuffing them in his socks.

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