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What’s behind the Adderall shortage?

We are suffering a shortage of certain versions of Adderall. Supply chains strike again! But didn't I say supply chains are recovering?

Yep. There are three reasons for the Adderall shortage:

  • The rise of telehealth during the pandemic made it much easier to get an Adderall prescription. As a result, demand spiked 10%.
  • The federal government restricts how much Adderall each manufacturer can make. Those limits aren't sufficient to meet the new, higher demand.
  • Teva, one of the largest manufacturers of generic Adderall, says that labor shortages have caused intermittent problems on its packaging line.

In other words, don't be too quick to blame supply chains for everything. Shortages are a routine part of the pharmaceutical industry.

2 thoughts on “What’s behind the Adderall shortage?

  1. drickard1967

    "What’s behind the Adderall shortage?"
    Obviously TFG has developed a resistance to it and had to up his dosage to still get a buzz.

  2. kaleberg

    Drug shortages are nothing new. There are usually only one or two suppliers certified to produce them, so when something goes wrong it has a big impact. I remember the tetracycline shortage ten or fifteen years ago. Apparently, some unapproved fungus got into the fermentation vats and was the devil itself to clean out.

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