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When Trump was president, Republicans raised taxes on the middle class and lowered them for the rich

I don't have a lot to write about at the moment, so I just want to take this chance to remind everyone that the last time a Republican was president he lowered taxes on corporations and the rich and raised taxes on the middle class. This chart shows the combined effect of the Trump tariffs and the 2017 tax bill:

I used the 2025 estimates for the impact of the 2017 tax bill.

11 thoughts on “When Trump was president, Republicans raised taxes on the middle class and lowered them for the rich

  1. bbleh

    Yabbut something something growth something investment something something jaaaabs!

    And the fact that that the McConnell/Trump tax giveaway to corporations and the wealthy yielded no significant growth in jobs or investment is just biased Deep State something something prove anything with statistics something librul media something.

    Also something something my hard-earned tax dollars something giveaways to those people something lazy welfare something, which is why *I'm* not as rich as I should be, so the fact that I didn't get any tax cuts (more likely had total taxes raised) is really the Democrats' fault.

    1. dausuul

      That kind of reply is so 2010.

      Republicans of today have a much simpler answer: Fake news. Trump didn't raise your taxes, he cut them. Vaccines are dangerous, COVID isn't. Black is white. Up is down.We have always been at war with Eastasia.

  2. KawSunflower


    Mention has been made previously of ShureStahle, who commented on Kevin Drum's items at MoJo, not being quite as visible on jabberwocking.

    Just noticed his disparaging remarks about Democrats on The Washington Post site. He seems not to understand that Democrats don't always have the power to overturn every nasty measure & tactic of 21st-century Republicans. Of course, we have people like that here, too.

  3. cld

    Study finds surprising source of social influence,

    . . . .
    Guilbeault, now an assistant professor at the University of California, Berkeley, noted, "in a sense, we found that the center of the network changed depending on what was spreading. The more uncertain people were about a new idea, the more that social influence moved to the people who only had parochial connections, rather than people with many far-reaching social connections." Guilbeault added, "the people in the edges of the network suddenly had the greatest influence across the entire community."

    The findings "turn our notions about social influence for marketing, sales, and social movements upside down," says Centola. "Not everything spreads through a network in the same way," he adds, "and we can use this knowledge to pinpoint hotspots in the social graph. This can allow us to accurately tailor our network strategies for effecting positive social change."

    It seems to me wingnuts have been working on exactly this for decades.

  4. D_Ohrk_E1

    Just FYI, Biden hasn't rescinded most of the tariffs, including Canadian wood. They complained about the de facto raised taxes on the middle class but they haven't done squat to cut them.

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