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Why are Republicans going easy on Alejandro Mayorkas?

Republicans in Congress have passed an appropriations bill that slashes funding for the Department of Justice because they're mad about its prosecution of Donald Trump. Seriously. They've also shoveled in a truckload of other ridiculous culture war proposals that won't pass but can be bragged about on Fox News. Whatevs. But I want to know what's up with this:

Republicans plan to force votes on proposals including reducing to $1 the salaries of Lloyd Austin, the secretary of defense, and Alejandro Mayorkas, the homeland security secretary, and cut off pay entirely for Antony Blinken, the secretary of state.

I know this is all for show, but why do Austin and Mayorkas get $1 and Blinken gets nothing? I thought they hated Mayorkas with the white heat of a giant sun? But he gets more lenient treatment.

What's up?

10 thoughts on “Why are Republicans going easy on Alejandro Mayorkas?

  1. KawSunflower

    Attempts to understand their behavior isn't worthwhile; even at their most rational, their intention is usually to display cruelty. But
    i'd sure like to see their reaction if Democrats ever responded in kind - not that they'll stoop to such absurd performances.

  2. pjcamp1905

    Republicans have always despised the State Department.

    "The State Department is infested with communists. I have here in my hand a list of 205—a list of names that were made known to the Secretary of State as being members of the Communist Party and who nevertheless are still working and shaping policy in the State Department."

    Guess who?

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