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Today in politics: abortion is in, immigration is out

Donald Trump and a host of other scared Republicans would like Arizona to repeal its brutal 1864 ban on abortion. Here is the text of the legislation introduced in the state Senate:

Now that's a clean bill. However, while it has a chance of passing the Senate, it's already failed four attempts to pass the House—most recently today. Two Republicans need to vote Yes, but so far only one has come forward.

At the same time on the other side of the country, the Senate quickly dispatched the ridiculous Republican impeachment bill against Homeland Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. Democrats voted to dismiss it without trial, robbing Republicans of their chance to grandstand about the border for a couple of weeks.

Long story short, this means abortion stays in the news and immigration stays out. Republicans are having a hard time getting control of the discourse these days.

18 thoughts on “Today in politics: abortion is in, immigration is out

  1. KenSchulz

    Kudos to Senate Democrats for the well-deserved smackdown of this weaponization of the Constitution for political purposes.

    1. Crissa


      Of course, Republicans didn't even bother to explain the charges, so how was there supposed to be a trial?

  2. kenalovell

    I'm glad they sent Greene and company back to the House with their tails between their legs. I was worried Schumer would fall for the bullshit Romney was peddling that a "bipartisan" acquittal (with one Republican vote) after hearing the evidence would be much more gentlemanly than a crude "partisan" dismissal with none.

    The notion that a vote of the House or the Senate magically becomes "bipartisan" if even one member of the minority party supports it over the opposition of the rest is one of Washington's more peculiar ideas. The word, as its etymology suggests, refers to initiatives supported by two parties.

  3. Jimm

    We already know from way back when that when conservatives get what they want, they fail. Nativism only goes so far, and we are a performative culture, grievance only gets you part of the way, but it doesn't bring anyone wealth or happiness.

    Every time they are in charge, smart everyday people are reminded why they shouldn't be. As we noted here however many months ago, repealing Roe v Wade would hang them, rightfully so.

    1. bbleh

      They have no concept of governance, other than perhaps a childish one of "I get to do what I want and you have to do what I say." The rest is just -- equally childish -- performance. "It's not FAAAAIIIRRR that I don't get to do what I want / you won't do what I say, so I'm gonna smash everything and go home, so THERE!"

      And who is their leader and avatar? A man-child whose (ill-gotten) wealth has insulated him from responsibility his entire life. Hardly a coincidence.

      Republicans: the party of cranky children.

  4. Jimm

    Still work to do however, not for one second should people forget what we really want, which is a say, a voice, what America is supposed to be about, despite what the elite and wealthy obviously want, which is regimentation and service staff.

    1. Art Eclectic

      All that catering to the employees cuts into profit margins. They must be controlled better, the shareholders have spoken.

  5. golack

    hoiste with their own petard.

    And from Merriam-Webster via Wikepedia:
    "Hoist with his own petard" is a phrase from a speech in William Shakespeare's play Hamlet that has become proverbial. The phrase's meaning is that a bomb-maker is blown ("hoist", the past tense of "hoise") off the ground by his own bomb ("petard"), and indicates an ironic reversal or poetic justice.[1]

  6. J. Frank Parnell

    Then there was pathetic hypocritical Mitch McConnell whining “the process cannot be abused, it must not be short circuited.” Mitch, you tired old habitual abuser and short circuiter, your title of “pall bearer of democracy” is well earned.

    1. KenSchulz

      I read that last night. Didn't know whether to laugh or puke. But I really like 'tired old habitual abuser and short circuiter'!

    2. Doctor Jay

      Yeah, that really is rich coming from Mitch McConnell. Mitch, do you think that presidential nominees deserve hearings and a vote? What about SCOTUS nominees? That's the process, right? The one that must not be abused, right?


      Mitch? Are you there?

  7. KJK

    Il Duce stating on camera a few days ago that "we broke Roe V Wade" should be on a continuous loop until election day. Message is simple, Trump is to blame for what is happening to abortion rights today.

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