Are Republicans weird? Minnesota governor Tim Walz started this meme and Republicans are steaming about it. Their response has mostly been, "No, you're weird."
The best way to settle this is to go to the tape. Here's a list—by no means exhaustive—of things that various Republicans have proposed recently. You be the judge.
- The FBI was secretly behind the January 6 insurrection.
- Facebook is constantly censoring conservatives.
- America needs a strategic bitcoin reserve.
- You shouldn't drink Bud Light because it's too woke.
- COVID vaccines can kill you.
- Childless people should get fewer votes.
- New York state should be defunded for allowing a court to convict Donald Trump.
- Trans people are scheming to turn your child trans behind your back.
- We should return to the gold standard.
- Climate change is fake.
- We should allow more oil drilling in national parks.
- Barack Obama is secretly in charge of the White House.
- Joe Biden stole the 2020 election.
- You should not be allowed to buy cultivated meat.
- Americans stop working too early. The retirement age should be raised.
- We should get rid of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration because it produces too much evidence of climate change.
- Energy efficiency standards for home appliances should be repealed.
- The world's most notorious online drug trafficker deserves a pardon.
- Christians in America are a persecuted minority.
- The 2024 Olympics were ruined by a brief tableau that looked vaguely like The Last Supper.
It's entertaining to see conservatives freak out at being called weird. On the far left, the designation is worn as a badge of honor. Portland and Austin embrace "Weird".
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Currently you are the only one in this thread that still use "conservatives" when really mean "Republicans", "right-wing nuts", "MAGA" or "Trumpists".
“You’re weird”
“Am not”
“Are too”
“Am not”
“Are too”
Most of those aren’t weird. Dumb, maybe. Bad policy, certainly. Run of the mill Republican idiocy mostly.
Weird is more like their obsession with drag queens, their fear of pedophiles behind every corner, their love of posing their kids with big guns for Xmas cards, Trump “dance” moves, giant ass Trump flags…
I’m sure following comments will list dozens more.
Trump superhero cards. Trump paintings of him with / as Jesus. There is so much cult-like crazy shit....
trump nft.
Bill the Cat for President!
Trump gold painted basketball shoes when a majority of the pro players are black and refused to go to the Whitehouse while he was president. I'll bet he has a whole warehouse full of them.
Scrotal tanning.
I win.
putting the d in vitamin d.
Ok I laughed out loud at both. Haha
Me too.
Thanks. And, as you suggested, there are many more.
On a slightly different point: I think one reason "weird" has worked so well for Harris/Dems is that *it's targeted at GOP leaders* and not at party members.
Contrast that with "basket of deplorables", which 1) was aimed at a *large* group of voters (at least 1/4 of the country); 2) is a noun, indicating an unchangeable state; and 3) has seven syllables.
As used by Gov. Walz, "weird" is a one syllable adjective that links Trump/Vance, their words, and the policies they support. Much better political rhetoric.
I hate the phrase “basket of deplorables” because who the hell uses deplorables in everyday conversation - there were far more commonplace and shorter insults Hillary could’ve used instead except she’s too intellectual so she chose an obscure multi-syllable word instead.
That phrase was secretly recorded and never intended to be a political campaign slogan or mass marketed battle cry or anything else. It was a throwaway speech punch line at a donor’s party or whatever, used by exactly one Democrat ever. You could tell immediately after it became public that the campaign realized it was a huge mistake and forbade anyone else helping Hillary from repeating it ever again. Very much unlike the use of the word weird now, which a lot of professional Dems are using out loud and proud to describe Republicans.
“Weird” has a very different usage and intent from “basket of deplorables,” not to mention less eggheady and not targeted towards as many regular people, which might be why it’s catching on better with voters.
Also, deplorables don't fit in a basket.
Here's what Clinton said, according to Time magazine:
“You know, to just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. Right?” Clinton said. “The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic—you name it. And unfortunately there are people like that. And he has lifted them up.”
She said the other half of Trump’s supporters “feel that the government has let them down” and are “desperate for change.”
“Those are people we have to understand and empathize with as well,” she said.
Every politician says something goofy. What beat Clinton was Jim Comey and the NY office of the FBI, which had close ties to Rudy Giuliani. Comey twice broke long-standing FBI policy in commenting on Clinton's emails, which no one cared about after the election.
As always I have to put a bit more of Hillary's quote out there, "Now, some of those folks — they are irredeemable, but thankfully they are not America. But the other basket — and I know this because I see friends from all over America here — I see friends from Florida and Georgia and South Carolina and Texas — as well as, you know, New York and California — but that other basket of people are people who feel that the government has let them down, the economy has let them down, nobody cares about them, nobody worries about what happens to their lives and their futures, and they’re just desperate for change. It doesn’t really even matter where it comes from. They don’t buy everything he says, but he seems to hold out some hope that their lives will be different. They won’t wake up and see their jobs disappear, lose a kid to heroin, feel like they’re in a dead-end. Those are people we have to understand and empathize with as well."
Thanks. I posted a shorter version of this before I saw your post.
You forgot #21: "There is an envious lecher up in the sky watching you have sex and scoring your performance."
With regard to Vance’s “more votes for people with children” thing, wasn’t it always kind of a staple Republican rant about “welfare queens” having lots of babies to collect more welfare money? How do they reconcile this?
I imagine the tacit whites-only asterisk would take care of this handily
Do Vance’s kids qualify as “white”?
theyve got the dropsy.
As children of a Certified White Son of Blood And Soil, yes-- he covered this in his acceptance speech, the part where he explained how having generations of his forebears buried in sanctified American land makes him a true blood-and-soil American, the only true kind of American. This deep tie gives him the mystical power to bestow whiteness on any fruit of his loins, regardless of the mother's origins-- as a CWSBAS he's of course entitled to the use of all women of any background for procreative purposes (and the occasional couch, if the mood strikes). When he spoke of eventually planting his kids in the same soil he was acknowledging this mystical power.
Whiteness here isn't about mere appearance, whatever some johnny-come-lately hoi polloi might think; it's an ineffable inner quality of Vance-ness, in which whiteness is inherent.
They only want more votes for white men who have children. I think it's akin to the slave being 3/5 a person logic.
We shouldn't teach the history of slavery and racial prejudice in schools because it will make the white kids uncomfortable.
BTW, they still believe there's a cabal of Democrats involved in a sex ring/trafficking bookended with Comet Ping Pong shooting and Paul Pelosi attack.
They're saying "weird" because they can't say "assholes" on TV.
Wingnuts often pride themselves on being out of step, yet at the same time the standard of all normalcy, and racists who think they're the singular judge of who is or isn't an 'authentic' black person, or a good Jew.
trump just branded doug emhoff a terrible jew.
Not sure it's a winner, and would prefer to use a much more sinister description, given what they really want to do to this country. It certainly is better than Biden describing what they say as "malarkey". At least it's not 100+ year old language, to remind votes just how old he is.
Never underestimate the power of mockery
Not weird.
Crazy. Painting your face orange crazy.
surprised kevin drum thinks no. 8 is weird.
Trans people want to use their bathroom.
Thinking Leo Macallan should have to use the ladies room is weird as hell.
their leader wears orange makeup with white raccoon eyes
he's forced his fingers into women he just met
he's talked about the sexual attractiveness of his daughter
he walked into a changing room for underage girls
totally not weird and creepy
Uhhh, see also "The Paranoid Style In American Politics."
This is a THING among "conservatives." And yeah, it's weird. And that's BEFORE we get to their obsession with sex.
They're not just weird; they're creepy and authoritarian. And those who aren't OVERTLY creepy and authoritarian are okay with the creeps and authoritarians because ... um ... tax cuts and border. Or something.
Fkin freaks ...
> constantly censoring conservatives
That much alliteration is weird.
Like "nattering nabobs of negativism"?
I heard #19 Christians in America are a persecuted minority from my sister-in-law in 2003. This had to be from listening to Rush Limbaugh.
george w. bush & john di iulio failed when they didn't make the office of faithbased initiatives an inquisition.
They want to surrender to Russia, destroy NATO, destroy democracy, destroy education, legalize bribery and create a dictatorship, and they want you to think they're patriots.
"... various Republicans ..."
This is just nut picking then. I expect you could easily make a list of 20 weird things that some Democrat somewhere has proposed.
Most of the things on this list have been advocated by Trump himself. You can find plenty of high-ranking Republicans for all of them. These aren't just the fever dreams of the dog catcher in some podunk town.
Go ahead and make your list of the craziest stuff Biden, Obama, Harris, Pelosi, Schiff, and AOC have said. You won't get even close to the weirdness.
I basically agree with what you say, but really to make it clear this kind of things should come with links to the "originals". That will make it easy to distinguish real claims from claims based on "somebody".
21. They think that Barack Obama was not born in the United States of America.
We need to set up a national database to track your menstrual cycle to make sure you aren’t having an abortion,
I recommend you install software on your phones and computers so you and your son can monitor each other’s porn viewing habits.
Hillary Clinton and Tom Hanks are immortal because they ingest a chemical they extract from the brains of children.
Migrants are planting IEDs in the desert to murder ICE agents.
Windmills cause cancer.
The battery needed to power an electric boat is so heavy the boat will obviously sink, subjecting you to shark attacks.
Adding solar power to our energy grid means our electricity stops working when there is no sunshine.
A massive conspiracy consisting of every major media outlet on the planet, Emmy voters, porn stars, 3/4 of his own government appointees, every single western intelligence service, hundreds of state and government officials across the US, and dozens of women unlucky enough to meet him has “unfairly” kept Donald Trump down for decades.
Men bragging about “grabbing women by the pussy” and leveraging their wealth to watch underage girls disrobe is totally normal—“locker room talk.”
The feral hordes that shit in the Capitol building, menaced members of Congress, and called for the death of Mike Pence are “patriots.”
“Jewish Space Lasers” caused the wildfires on the west coast, or those fires were caused by forest rangers not sweeping aggresively enough.
Vaccines exist only to implant the populace with special genes that can be triggered by a 5G radio signal that turns us all into “zombies.”
If you are rich, you were chosen by God as one of His favored people. You deserve everything you have and others deserve nothing.
Donald Trump was harder on Russia and did more for black people than any president in history.
Gays and black people are unqualified for serious jobs. Any who hold those jobs are “DEI hires.”
Just because a couple of Supreme Court Justices and their wives have received millions of dollars from friendly “benefactors” doesn’t mean they can’t judge those benefactors impartially.
(Every one of those is the stated position of one or more prominent Republicans, and I can keep going,)
Perfectly normal,
Tim Pool is a creepy guy. It's no coincidence that people did same thing with dictators of the past. Hitlers head was attached to many heroic like figures. I always get douche vibes from stuff like this.
21. Donald Trump is qualified to be President of the United States.
The Lord chose the most flawed person He could find to be His Chosen, because Jesus wouldn't make the libs cry.
12. Barack Obama is secretly in charge of the White House.
...Why would this be a bad thing?
18. The world's most notorious online drug trafficker deserves a pardon.
Who exactly is this referring to?