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How big was Arnold Palmer’s package?

During his rally today at Arnold Palmer Regional Airport in Pennsylvania, Donald Trump opened with a long, rambling story about.......Arnold Palmer. For your weekend viewing pleasure, here are the last 37 seconds:

32 thoughts on “How big was Arnold Palmer’s package?

  1. zic

    So highly sophisticated women don't mind big dick jokes, but man let me tell you, we are not interested in little dicks?

    I just had to say that.

    1. Vog46

      Well, Donny prefers his "driver". Longer shaft, bigger head why you even have to wear gloves to "use" it. (there's less guilt when you wear gloves)

  2. CJColucci

    I had a classmate who believed he was the illegitimate son of Arnold Palmer, who was a member of his parents' golf club. I couldn't tell you from personal observation whether he shared his putative father's endowment.

  3. Joseph Harbin

    Something's going on with him. Maybe this.

    In frontotemporal dementia, parts of these lobes shrink, known as atrophy. Symptoms depend on which part of the brain is affected. Some people with frontotemporal dementia have changes in their personalities. They become socially inappropriate and may be impulsive or emotionally indifferent. Others lose the ability to properly use language.


    Behavioral changes

    The most common symptoms of frontotemporal dementia involve extreme changes in behavior and personality. These include:

    Increasingly inappropriate social behavior.
    Loss of empathy and other interpersonal skills. For example, not being sensitive to another person's feelings.
    Lack of judgment.
    Loss of inhibition.

    Lack of interest, also known as apathy. Apathy can be mistaken for depression.

    1. hls

      Frontal temporal dementia typically occurs in much younger individuals, such as in their forties. We sometimes first catch this in the criminal justice system because those who suffer from it lose the ability to use the frontal lobes to inhibit problematic sexual, behavioral and verbal impulses. Trump’s presentation is more consistent with typical age related dementia, which, in addition to the above, includes memory and speech degradation. But I’m just an old clinical/forensic psychologist…

      1. Joseph Harbin

        Appreciate your perspective. You say Trump is showing symptoms consistent with age-related dementia. Any thoughts on the seriousness or prognosis would be welcome. Thanks.

        1. hls

          The reality is that if any of us live long enough we are very likely to experience some form of dementia, vascular being a common one. Both of my late parents had it and they lived into their nineties. Former president Trump is perhaps experiencing a cognitive decline that is ahead of his physical decline. This is more difficult inasmuch as physical decline preceding cognitive decline increases the likelihood that the sufferer will have some insight into decline, which makes it easier to have some insight into the cognitive decline. In cases where the cognitive decline precedes the physical decline, it is my experience that the ultimate decline comes rather rapidly in the latter because the dementia patient often resists usual efforts to slow progression. Simply put, early physical decline can often translate into prolonged care as the patient is under care as the cognitive symptoms become more pronounced. The earlier cognitive decline, absent concurrent physical decline, can often result in a very short and rapid decline at end stage. I have no personal insight to Mr. Trump, but I suspect we may see a rather rapid decline in the coming months.

  4. dilbert dogbert

    A song from my childhood, 1951, answers the question about size.
    It Ain't The Meat It's The Motion
    Song by The Swallows
    It ain't the meat, it's the motion
    Makes your daddy wanna rock
    It ain't the meat, it's the motion
    It's the movement that gives it the sock

    1. MikeTheMathGuy

      For some of us that song is better known from Maria Muldaur's cover version of 1974. I heard her perform it live a couple of years ago; at age 80+ the voice was understandably not what it once was, but she could still bring the energy to rock the song with all the power it deserves.

  5. iamr4man

    So this is where we are. Eight years ago the Access Hollywood tape came out in which Trump was heard making his famous “grab them by the pussy” remark. At the time it was almost his undoing. His handlers said, at the time, that it was “locker room talk.” The tape was an open mike event from years before. Now, eight years later, he casually makes such “locker room talk” openly in a campaign speech and his audience is thrilled and joins in the “fun”. I’m sorry, but it still really amazes me and depresses me that this guy can continue to sink to lower depths with no consequence.

        1. iamr4man

          The thing that surprises me is how many of “they” there are. Because at this point I believe everyone who votes for him is one of “they”. There was a time when I naively thought some of the people who voted for him did so despite his faults. Now I think they all vote for him because of his faults.

          1. OldFlyer

            Not quite all “they”

            More a coalition of “scared guys” and “follow the money”

            MAGA- when (white) men were men

            That all too big portion on Corporate America that cares only about “right now” profits - always better under the no questions tax cutting GOP

            CHURCHES- more worried about keeping their Carte Blanche tax exemption, than spreading religion

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