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And which religion would that be, Mike?

32 thoughts on “And which religion would that be, Mike?

  1. marknc

    I am so looking forward to watching the "Christians" kill each other fighting over Protestant or Methodist or Baptist or Evangelical or Presbyterian or............................

      1. gs


        " By the 1830's tension began to mount between Northern and Southern Baptists. One issue that severely divided the Baptists was slavery. Northern Baptists believed God would not condone treating one race as superior to another, while Southerners said that God intended for races to be separate. Southern state Baptists began complaining that they weren't receiving money for missions work.

        The Home Mission Society declared that a person could not be a missionary and wish to keep his slaves as property. As a result of this division, Baptists in the South met in May of 1845 and organized the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC). "

        So the entire point of forming the Southern Baptist Convention was to use the bible to justify slavery.

    1. Austin

      Yes this will be so much fun in a country that has more guns than people. I'm sure no innocent bystanders will be caught up in the mayhem, just like how no innocent people were ever harmed by the Troubles between Catholics and Protestants in Northern Ireland, a place with far fewer guns lying around.

  2. msobel

    “If we are going to establish one nation under God, which we must, we have to establish one religion. One nation under God, and one religion under God."

    I'm sure the Black Robed Six would support this

  3. Jim Carey

    "And which religion would that be, Mike?"

    Great question. Thanks for asking.

    It's the "I, Mike Flynn, am the Lord your false god, and thou shalt have no real God before me" religion.

    Then there's the conflicting "I, former President Donald, am the Lord your false god" religion. The idea is to work together defeating the real God first, and then its "gods, welcome to Fight Club."

  4. frankwilhoit

    The Founders (semi-literate lightweights though they were by the evidence of their handiwork) were dominated by their memories of the English Civil War and the ensuing autogenocidal dictatorship. All of that was, from their perspective, about 110 to 130 years gone; but to them, it was so present that it may as well have been the day before. Today's Republicans do not even remember literal yesterday.

    1. J. Frank Parnell

      The founding fathers were also familiar with the history of the “Thirty Years War”, in which over 4 million people died fighting over what brand of Christianity was correct. Most of the founding fathers were well acquainted of what happens when religion and government are mixed and wanted no part of it.

    2. Anandakos

      What was "autogenocidal" about the English Civil War? The largest battles in that war involved roughly sixty to eighty thousand men in total. Neither the Royalists nor the New Army scythed through the civilian population. Please be more careful with your choice of words.

    3. shapeofsociety

      Western Europe spent all of 200 years after the Protestant Reformation ripping itself to bloody shreds trying, and mostly failing, to create religious uniformity. A lot of people fled to British North America to get away from that, and the country was already quite religiously diverse before the Revolution. The First Amendment was put in precisely to ensure that there would be peace among different sectarian groups.

  5. KJK

    As long as it allows the teaching of Creation Science (Genesis, 6000 year old earth, the flood, parting of red sea, the whale thing, etc.) in science classes instead of evolution or cosmology, I'm all in!

  6. Yikes

    Look, we like to have a bit o' the old banter in the comments here, but if anything gets to 100% agreement its Flynn is crazy.

    And if you think that's nuts, I am sure many heard yesterday's Fresh Air where a guy who monitors Christian Nationalists gave Terri Gross the script from some ad pointing out how Donald F-ing Trump (of all possible candidates!) was actually "anointed by God" to clean up the U.S.

    It was by the largest margin I can think of the most batshit crazy political ad I have ever heard of.

      1. Yikes

        I don't know about Paul Harvey's version, but it was full of "... God will send us a warrior, to stand up against Satan's government..... that man is Donald Trump."

        1. Yikes

          This was it, copied from Fresh air transcript:

          "God looked down on his planned paradise and said, I need a caretaker. So God gave us Trump. God had to have somebody willing to go into the den of vipers, call out the fake news for their tongues as sharp as serpents. The poison of vipers is on their lips, so God made Trump. God said, I need somebody to be strong and courageous, who will not be afraid or terrified of the wolves when they attack, a man who cares for the flock, a shepherd to mankind who will never leave or forsake them. "

        2. J. Frank Parnell

          The Bible warns us in Mathew: “Beware false prophets who come dressed as sheep, but are inwardly ravening wolves”.

    1. Altoid

      And not just any old Catholicism, but a carefully-selected slice from a school that seeks through control of legal and executive institutions to legislate our culture and behavior. Leonard Leo has been sponsoring and implanting our very own Bene Gesserit.

  7. D_Ohrk_E1

    Problem is, one nation "under God" was an insertion of the 20th century. So to take a page out of the Originalists, this is patently unconstitutional and Flynn is a twat.

    1. Salamander

      I remember when the "under gawd" was added. I was in grade school, and back in those unlamented days (except on teevie), each class stood and recited the Pledge to the Flag every day before class.

      "Happy Days" my arse.

  8. pokeybob

    Purity Tests. From the barrel of a gun. Is climate change and the coming sea level rise our Noah's Ark moment? Limited space for only the purist of the pure. What kind of women will make the cut? Iran has a few pointers for us.

    1. jambo

      “Because of zee ratio the women vill have to be selected for their sexual characteristics which will have to be of a highly stimulating nature…”

  9. Cycledoc

    What’s striking in all this is how docile and sheep-like many if not most America’s religious leaders are. They happily defer to the anti-democratic movement that harbors white supremist racists, homophobes, misogynists and frank and open Nazis as long as it promises the imposition of the christian version of sharia law in America. It’s sad but when one looks at history you realize that religious types of all ilks somehow find a way to look the other way and/or participate directly in atrocities and bad behavior. The Catholic Church is still paying for its insensitivities in the last couple of centuries. Others will hopefully, at some point, be called on their current behavior.

  10. kathleent

    Round of thanks to my dad who allowed me to skip church and find my own way to a peaceful atheist belief - and to George Carlin for his spot-on observations about religion. All the hours I spent reading books on Sundays - thank you dad. And guess what? I grew up to be a productive, taxpaying member of society.

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