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15 thoughts on “Beware

  1. different_name

    Having a birthday this month, I've paid attention.

    The March Ides have never been a problem for me. I did get mugged during the Kalends one year, and during another Kalends, found out my building was going condo and had to abruptly move.

    So my milage has certainly varied, but I guess I'm not very Roman or Roman-Emperorish.

  2. Traveller

    Brutus may have been the Noblest Roman of All, but let us not forget that the Ides of March was not particularly fortuitous for him either...Caesar maybe should have heeded the entreaties of Calpurnia, but as much as Caesar, Brutus should have stayed home on March 15 also...a calamitous day for Brutus to be sure!

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