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Biden’s eight circles?

Here is Donald Trump tonight, rambling about Elon Musk's reusable rockets:

And they're coming down very slowly, landing on a raft in the middle of the ocean someplace with a circle. Boom. It reminded me of the Biden circles that he used to have, right? He'd have eight circles and he couldn't fill them up. But then I heard he beat us with the popular vote.

OK, I give up. Biden's eight circles? wtf is he talking about?

53 thoughts on “Biden’s eight circles?

  1. D_Ohrk_E1

    How to avoid sane-washing but exposing Trump's cognitive issues:

    And they're coming down very slowly, landing on a raft in the middle of the ocean someplace with a circle. Boom. It reminded me of the Biden circles that he used to have, right? He'd have eight circles and he couldn't fill them up. But then I heard he beat us with the popular vote.

    WTF? His mind has once again put the cart before the horse and he's babbling on about something nonsensical.

    1. Martin Stett

      Maybe it makes more sense in context . . . . /s

      "And then all of a sudden, you hear that they’re leaving Milwaukee or they’re leaving wherever they may be located. It’s very sad to see it. And it’s so simple. I mean, you know, this isn’t like Elon with his rocket ships that land within 12 inches on the moon where they wanted to land. Or he gets the engines back. That was the first I realized. I said, “Who the hell did that?” I saw engines about three, four years ago. These things were coming. Cylinders, no wings, no nothing. And they’re coming down very slowly, landing on a raft in the middle of the ocean someplace with a circle. Boom.

      Reminded me of the Biden circles that he used to have, right? He’d have eight circles and he couldn’t fill ’em up. But then I heard he beat us with the popular vote. I don’t know. I don’t know. Couldn’t fill up the eight circles. I always loved those circles. They were so beautiful. They were so beautiful to look at. In fact, the person that did them, that was the best thing about his, the level of that circle was great. But they couldn’t get people, so they used to have the press stand in those circles because they couldn’t get the people. Then I heard we lost. Oh, we lost. No, we’re never gonna let that happen again. But we’ve been abused by other countries. We’ve been abused by our own politicians, really, more than other countries."

      1. Crissa

        Note: SpaceX has yet to land on the Moon. And their current rockets don't have 12 inches accuracy (but the Starship they're about to test will need to be higher accuracy than this, to complete the catch).

        The rockets are also coming down at the speed of sound.

    1. bethby30

      That was the explanation — and picture — I saw that makes “sense” of what he was talking about. There is usually something real that triggers his incoherent ramblings.

    2. SteveM

      Yes, that's it. A USA Today story from September 2020 explains that Biden was following COVID guidelines at his rallies and positioning attendees in circles socially distanced from one another. There's a photo of attendees in the circles.

      This, of course, was accompanied by Trump mockery: "You know why he puts the circles? Because he wants to be like correct with COVID, but it's not really — because they can't get anybody to fill up a room."

  2. KawSunflower

    His photo books are short on text - wonder if someone could release a book of speeches like this one, his supporters might realize (if not admit) that he should have dropped out of the race before Biden waa urged to do so. If he weren't so evil, I could pity him. despite the way he treated his equally racist, misogynist father.

    1. emjayay

      None of his supporters would ever read anything longer than a photo caption. Facts and logic seem convincing to the rest of us, but cult members are impervious to those things. They need deprogramming.

      When Trump supporters were first called a cult I argued that a cult was something different, and it is. But it's close enough. It's a cult. How do cult deprogrammers manage to do it? But MAGA is a little big for abducting them one at a time and taking each of them to a motel room for a couple days.

  3. kenalovell

    A Trump spokesperson explained that the former president was referring to the eight lower circles of Hell, where the Biden Crime Family was soon going to go through some things.

    1. weirdnoise

      The Eighth Circle is for the ten varieties of fraudulence: Panderers and Seducers, Flatterers, Sellers of Pardons, False Prophets, the Politically Corrupt, Hypocrites, Thieves, Promotors of Fraudulence in Others, Sowers of Discord, and Falsifiers.

      Since Trump is arguably guilty of all ten of these, it's just a case of "Every Accusation Is A Confession". Biden, on the other hand, does not fill this Eighth Circle.

      1. QuakerInBasement

        I have an ancestor there! He's called Obizzo--he's in the first compartment of the seventh circle. He bought a woman, Ghizola from her brother for sex. He was the Diddy of his day.

  4. Josef

    Didn't Biden have a campaign event where people were sitting in circles to social distance? Remember social distancing? It seems farther in the past to me than it is.

  5. Dana Decker

    Trump is on point. Doesn't anybody remember the big deal about Biden's eight circles? It was in all the papers (as they say).

    For those that don't remember. It was about the (African) Oware board game, modified for faster play - with eight circles instead of the traditional twelve. In the game, one strives to fill them up in a particular way to advance in the game. Biden couldn't fill them up properly so that he'd win.

    Trump, on the other hand, is an excellent player because his uncle taught at MIT.

  6. kenalovell

    Trump also claimed Musk's moon shot landed "within 12 inches" of its target. In fact,

    Based on photos from NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter flying overhead, Odysseus landed within a mile or so (1.5 kilometers) of its intended target.

    Oh, and it landed on its side and stopped working after three days.

    Trump didn't inform the crowd if the raft had a heavy battery, exposing astronauts to a risk of facing the shark/electrocution dilemma.

  7. iamr4man

    So, here’s the text of his comments:
    “And then all of a sudden, you hear that they’re leaving Milwaukee or they’re leaving wherever they may be located. It’s very sad to see it. And it’s so simple. I mean, you know, this isn’t like Elon with his rocket ships that land within 12 inches on the moon where they wanted to land. Or he gets the engines back. That was the first I realized. I said, “Who the hell did that?” I saw engines about three, four years ago. These things were coming. Cylinders, no wings, no nothing. And they’re coming down very slowly, landing on a raft in the middle of the ocean someplace with a circle. Boom.

    Reminded me of the Biden circles that he used to have, right? He’d have eight circles and he couldn’t fill ’em up. But then I heard he beat us with the popular vote. I don’t know. I don’t know. Couldn’t fill up the eight circles. I always loved those circles. They were so beautiful. They were so beautiful to look at. In fact, the person that did them, that was the best thing about his, the level of that circle was great. But they couldn’t get people, so they used to have the press stand in those circles because they couldn’t get the people. Then I heard we lost. Oh, we lost. No, we’re never gonna let that happen again. But we’ve been abused by other countries. We’ve been abused by our own politicians, really, more than other countries.”

    Clearly, he is doing “the weave”. I’ve read through it a few times and don’t understand what he is talking about so clearly he’s a genius who only other really smart geniuses can understand. All those people trying to figure out what he is saying are just demonstrating their lack of geniusness.

  8. Justin

    And yet... 10s of millions of your fellow citizens just love Trump. Really... just enjoy these last weeks of freedom and relative peace because in a month, it will be chaos all the time and everywhere!

    Stock up on toilet paper!

  9. Anandakos

    I expect Biden is forbearing from use of his newfound powers because he hopes that Harris wins fair-and-square. But if Trump pulls it off, he and JDV are headed for the mortuary. The Supreme's just gave Biden the ultimate "Readjustment" tool, and he's clear-eyed enough to understand that Trump really means what he says. That's why he chose JDV, who is only one tan shirt short of being Rudolf Höss, Obersturmbannführer of Auschwitz.

    [N.B. Not "Rudolf Hess"; he was a bad guy, too, but different guy].

  10. Jim B 55

    He thinks politics is show business, it seems. Reino's post shows that is about crowd sizes. All he really cares about apparently.

    1. Bardi

      "He thinks politics is show business, it seems. "

      Well, in many respects if is a form of managing expectations of the "audience". Many "manage expectations" by doing the actual work. Others, like donnie, do it through word salad verbiage.

  11. jte21

    Trump could hold forth for two hours on why the pancakes are making Aunt Dora's twelve speak cars and the moon by Elon's wave and his cultist followers wouldn't give a shit. They think he's now speaking to them from a higher spiritual plane or something.

    Seriously, though, whenever Trump speaks gibberish like this, it's usually because someone has tried to explain something to him -- basic policy or some geopolitical issue -- using crayons and big, easy-to-read charts and of course he doesn't remember anything about it because he's an idiot and possibly suffering from dementia. But he'll still hold forth on it, even though it doesn't make a lick of sense coming from his addled brain, which, as we noted earlier, was also phenomenally stupid to begin with.

    Last night Seth Meyers was playing clips of Trump in 2020 claiming repeatedly that Covid tests literally cause cases to break out. If we wouldn't test, he observed, we wouldn't have cases. You can't even with idiocy of this magnitude.

  12. Jasper_in_Boston

    Would it be too much to ask the three networks plus CNN to make a major push to cover the state of Donald Trump's cognitive capacities? I know partisans don't watch them any more, but I'm reliably informed this is still where the modest number of persuadables get their news. This is the man to whom the GOP wants us to give the launch codes.

    1. Bardi

      I've been saying this since before he was selected in 2016.

      A few of us fear he has "blackmailed" quite a few in the electoral college. Has donnie won the popular vote yet?

  13. Srho

    Effective communication requires empathy, to understand what the audience knows & needs to know. Trump's narcissism handicaps his ability to explain things clearly. Sad.

  14. D_Ohrk_E1

    Dante's 8th Circle of Hell.

    First Ditch -- Panderers and seducers (🗸 Trump)
    Second Ditch -- Flatterers (🗸 Trump)
    Third Ditch -- Simoniacs, sellers of the church's sacred goods (🗸 Trump)
    Fourth Ditch -- False prophets (🗸 Trump)
    Fifth Ditch -- Political graft (🗸 Trump)

    Holy Hell...Trump's been to Dante's 8th Circle of Hell and has returned to ensnare Christian sinners!

  15. Massive Gunk

    The "circles" comment referred to how Jason Miller, a Trump campaign adviser, made fun of the small crowds at some of Biden's 2020 campaign events. During the pandemic, Biden’s events had people sitting in socially-distanced circles, which became a recognizable feature of his rallies. Miller said that at some of Biden's events, there were only eight of these circles, and two of them were empty, implying that not many people showed up. He compared this to Trump's rallies, which tended to draw much larger crowds, to suggest that Trump had more support.

  16. Five Parrots in a Shoe

    This whole thread is kind of sad. People trying to make sense of Trump's blathering make me think of a gaggle of 13-year-old girls meticulously parsing a text message that one of them received from a boy in her class.

  17. defranks

    It's the social distancing thing from the pandemic-era events Biden held. Seems weird today (and it was), but at least Biden didn't kill Herman Cain.

  18. Adam Strange

    In the past few months, we have been witnessing Trump's brain melting down before our very eyes.

    If it once could be compared to a galaxy of lights on Broadway (and that is a fair comparison for most people's brains), it's now a forty-Watt bulb, flickering intermittently in a dark, cobwebby basement.

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