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Comments can now be edited

By popular request I have searched for a simple comment editing plug-in. I found one called Simple Comment Editing Plug-In, which sounds like just the thing.

Anyway, I installed it, so now you can allegedly edit your comments within ten minutes of posting them. Give it a whirl and let me know if it works.

UPDATE: I guess the limit is actually five minutes. Write fast!

27 thoughts on “Comments can now be edited

  1. Steve_OH

    But is it a "simple (comment editing plugin)" or a "(simple comment) (editing plugin)"?

    EDIT: The edit time limit appears to be five minutes, not ten. I made it with 4 minutes and 12 seconds to spare.

  2. KinersKorner

    Thank you Kevin! After my 50th bitch about it and some support from others, I longer have to sound like a flaming moron (ok maybe I do anyway) due to typos.
    Love it- No let’s get rid of that spam troll Eve!
    Also,I like the timer.

    1. dspcole

      I dunno. I’m growing kind of fond of Eve. I picture her sitting at her desk in Romania just trying to make a leu. She “ keeps her fingers on the keyboard” sort of like Kevin just churning out words. At this point She’s like part of our tribe

      1. George Salt

        I don't understand why anyone would spam the comment section of a blog with no more than a few dozen participants.

        Spam works on volume -- a 0.1% response rate is enough to turn a profit. Kevin's blog just doesn't have enough traffic to get many responses.

        ETA: The editing function works! Hooray!

        1. Citizen Lehew

          I hate to crush everyone's fantasies about Eve slaving over a keyboard, but she's just a bot. She scours the internet for thousands of Word Press sites and spams them all in seconds. VOLUME!

  3. Salamander

    Huzzah! It works! (details below)

    Okay, that didn't go as expected. After editing, it asked if I wanted to "delete this comment." And then it did. Let's try it again...

    Now, I see. The left side offers options to "Save" or "Cancel"; I automatically clicked on the right lower button out of force of habit, without reading. That leftmost option was ... "Delete".

    Oh, I must add that the plug-in gives you five minutes, not ten.

  4. Justin

    This is hilarious…. Edit works!

    A Democratic party that had a more practical approach to this issue would say something like this:

    Climate change is a serious problem but it won’t be solved overnight. As we move toward a clean energy economy with an “all-of-the-above” strategy, energy must continue to be cheap, reliable and abundant. That means fossil fuels, especially natural gas, will continue to be an important part of the mix.

    But the Democrats, influenced by the cultural evolution of the party, do not have a practical approach to the issue. What started as a reasonable attempt to deal with a genuine problem, in the spirit of reformist environmentalism, has been hijacked by a millenarian, quasi-religious commitment to rapidly zeroing out fossil fuels and creating a renewables-based economy. This hasn’t worked and will not work. It will inevitably widen the gap between Democratic elites and ordinary working class voters. It is time to trade in climate catastrophism for climate pragmatism.

    Democrats… so impractical. How do we fix that? Be republicans! ????

    Anyway… I’m sitting next to my gas fireplace and running my gas furnace and really no one gives a crap. I expected the progressive police to douse me in water, but they are no where to be found. Go figure.

  5. cld

    I make reply therefore I am I now fix. good.

    Fix good! fix. ed. fixed.

    edit! fix that good.

    ha! did it again. no, now gone. too much. improve.

    leaves out spaces when added too many, but want them for style.

  6. dorarej224

    Great article, Mike. I appreciate your work, I am now making over $15k every month just by doing an easy lok j0b 0nline! I KNOW YOU NOW MAKIG MORE DOLLARS online from $28 k I,TS EASY ONLINE WORKING JOBS…
    Just copy and paste……………….

  7. Larry Jones

    I suggested this editing plugin a year ago. So, Mr. Drum, don't be going on about "popular request," as you've been ignoring that almost since the day you moved the blog here.

    Also, the editing deadline is only five minutes if you don't change it to something else, which you (not us commenters) can do in the plugin "Settings." But five minutes is enough for me, and thanks!

  8. J. Frank Parnell

    WWIII will probably be started when spellcheck automatically substitutes the wrong word into some text and no one notices before it gets posted. Thanks for this small step forward!

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