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Coronavirus Growth in Western Countries: April 30 Update

Here’s the officially reported coronavirus death toll through April 30. The raw data from Johns Hopkins is here.

2 thoughts on “Coronavirus Growth in Western Countries: April 30 Update

  1. golack

    Mo is back! below 10 new cases/day/100K
    NM climbed out of the pool (above 10)

    NJ down from the nosebleeds seats (now less than 25).

    Only 6 states above 25; 9 states plus NMI at 10 or less.
    Vax: 9 states at 50% or more; 7 states at 35% or less.

  2. rick_jones

    Los Angeles appears to have dropped a largish catch-up yesterday, reporting/recording 337 which is very roughly 10x per recent usual. Taking SoCal's cumulative to the Roaring Twenties and 1921/million, as compares with NorCal's cumulative of 1041/million.

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