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Coronavirus Growth in Western Countries: February 20 Update

Here’s the officially reported coronavirus death toll through February 20. The raw data from Johns Hopkins is here.

3 thoughts on “Coronavirus Growth in Western Countries: February 20 Update

  1. golack

    TX reporting is starting to get back to normal, though they have a way to go yet. There is a bump up in hospitalizations. I haven't seen reporting yet, but I'd guess is someone could look at it, the hospitals probably are not releasing patients into the storm as it were. The patients could finish their convalescence at home, if their home had electricity and running water.

  2. MontyTheClipArtMongoose

    Is the precipitous decline in America's COVID mortality rate -- the beneficent Donald Trump's last gift to the country that so unfairly reviled him -- a signal we don't need another porcine big government handout to the shiftless & lazy?

  3. PaulDavisThe1st

    From the Guardian (UK) front page right now: "Johnson unveils lockdown exit plan: schools and social contact first "

    Are they freakin' crazy? They're not even back to the "initial plateau" of the "2nd half of 2020 COVID nightmare", let alone they levels they reached in the summer.

    I don't want to bet on the outcome, but I think there's at least a 50/50 chance of it blowing up again.

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