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10 thoughts on “Coronavirus Growth in Western Countries: July 1 Update

  1. golack

    States (and others) making the 70% of adults vaccinated (at least first dose) goal (from the CDC, overall 66.7%, Palau at 99%):
    VT, HI, MA, CT, ME, NM, NJ, RI, PA, MD, CA, WA, PR, NH, Guam, DC, NY, IL, VA, and now: DE and MN. CO and OR are now at 69.8%, so should make it by July 4th. Next closest, WI at 65.4%
    At the other end, AL just hit 40% total vaccinated (50.2% of adults), LA, MI and WY still below 40% (and 50% of adults).
    Ed Yong has another Covid piece in the Atlantic--dangers of Delta:
    Basically, we need to get the vaccine out to everyone, and there is evidence that vaccinated can pass on disease to unvaccinated even if they don't get sick. That rate may be low, but does mean in areas with an outbreak or large pockets of unvaccinated, masks should be kept on inside.

    1. golack

      and a followup.... The CDC has vaccinations jumping in PR over the past couple of days, first dose, total population now at 64.5% (73.4% of adults). CovidActNow does not, and reports 58.8% (total population, yesterday, probably 59% today).

  2. golack

    Also, the cases shot up in Texarkana (CovidActNow Metro areas). And they have been high for days. I tried looking a local paper for reasons why, e.g. data dumps. but Covid news is now buried. In larger cities, e.g. Chicago, you can find links to Covid on the home page of local papers, but not much in the current news (though opinion piece--get vaccinated before going out for the holiday). However, still losing more people to Covid than gun violence right now.

  3. Spadesofgrey

    No signs of notable covid acceleration anywhere. Compare that to last year when the summer bump had already started.

    1. Spadesofgrey

      More like this winter, when White's are at 80%+ vaccinated while Black/Hispanics lag. Then they get hit hard, whine about racism and poor medical care. I don't care about Hippies or "freedumb" Republicans, they made their own beds. They won't whine when they get sick. But the black and brown man will kick/scream, blame the white man. 3rd wave Marxism needs to die. I will even give Karl a break on that, he would have hated it. Which is where his phrase "I am not a Marxist" came from.

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