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Coronavirus Growth in Western Countries: June 21 Update

Here’s the officially reported coronavirus death toll through June 21. The raw data from Johns Hopkins is here.

2 thoughts on “Coronavirus Growth in Western Countries: June 21 Update

  1. golack

    There have been a number of reports that the outbreak in MO is being driven by the Delta Variant. Overall, state is at 44.2% vaccinated (54.7% of adults, first dose), however vaccinations seem to be concentrated in St. Louis, Kansas City, and the U. of Missouri.

    If you compare the county maps, outbreak in cases from CovidActNow and vacciantions from CDC maps, it does look like low vaccinated areas are being hit the hardest.

    VA hit 70% of adults vaccinated (first dose).
    Up next: MN 69.2%; DE 69.1%; then CO 68.8% and OR 68.7%

  2. Silver

    As Kevin noted the other day, there has been zero deaths reported in Sweden since over a week, the reason being security issues. These now appear to have been fixed, and today's report says 34 deaths since June 11. This will look like a strange peak, but it is artificial, these deaths should be more or less evenly distributed.

    Here is a link to a site I have referred to before, showing deaths in Sweden on the actual date of death, hence not affected by the recent reporting issues:

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