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Coronavirus Growth in Western Countries: June 24 Update

Here’s the officially reported coronavirus death toll through June 24. The raw data from Johns Hopkins is here.

5 thoughts on “Coronavirus Growth in Western Countries: June 24 Update

  1. golack

    Wired reprinted an article from Ars Technica on variants (no, not low key Loki):

    And CNN is reporting on Delta+ now:
    and how parts of MO are being hit hard:

    The Atlantic has a write up about the Novavax vaccine (protein based, not mRNA). It gives a good perspective about mRNA vaccine development, it's not a panacea, though comes across has a hard sell for Novavax which may defeat the author's purpose. We need Novavax in our arsenal too.

    via CovidActNow
    Now have three states with >10 new cases/day/100K: MO (still going up), WY (bounced back above 10) and NV.
    Two more are under caution as cases are rising quickly, AR and OK, infectivity >1.1.
    UT is creeping up to 10 too.

    Three states and NMI in the green--at/below 1 new case/day/100K: VT, MD, MA; with CT almost there too.
    Eight at/below 1.5: VT, MD, MA,CT, SD, PA, VA, WI, plus NMI, DC, PR
    Seventeen below 2

    Infectivity: 3 states >1.1; 8 > 1; 28 < 0.9 (plus PR and DC. NMI has no cases)

  2. golack

    Interesting--the comment count is "0 thoughts on..."

    Hmmm, well I usually don't think before I type, so....I guess that's right.

      1. Steve_OH

        It looks like your first comment spent a while in moderation purgatory, presumably because of all of the links.

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