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5 thoughts on “Coronavirus Growth in Western Countries: June 6 Update

  1. golack

    via CovidActNow--

    Looks like infection rates are below 1 for all the states and territories now, though CO did just pop back up above 10 new cases/day/100K, at 10.1, to join WY at 11.8

  2. veerkg_23

    In terms of % of population with atleast 1 dose:

    23 of the top 25 vaccinated States are Blue.

    With Florida and Iowa being #24 and #25 respectively.

    The worst performing Blue state is Nevada, sitting at #35

    The best performing Red state, not including the "purple" ones above, is Nebraska at #28.

    1. MontyTheClipArtMongoose

      Is Iowa or Florida really purple anymore?

      I look at them the same as fellow Bush-43 states Colorado & New Mexico, but in reverse. Reliably, glibertarianish, western/rural/agricultural GQP ancestral holds that have seen their population &/or development profiles change enough that they are something else entirely. Iowa, undereducated; New Mexico, indigenous ascendant; Colorado, green (lower case c); Florida, bath salts & spice. As such, the second & third have migrated to the Democrat Party, while the first & fourth are now the preserve of Steve King & Matt Gaetz rather than Tom Harkin & Lawton Chiles.

      (Virginia is a whole other thing: once George Allen said "macaca", he broke the hold of Harry Byrd on the Commonwealth. GA abracadabra'd all the sad thoughts of Robert E. Lee out the way...)

      1. HokieAnnie

        Virginia broke the hold due to all the carpetbaggers like my parents moving down from Northeaster states, plus newcomers from Korea, El Salvador and India deciding at the moment George Allen opened his mouth that the GOP wasn't the party for them.

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