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10 thoughts on “Coronavirus Growth in Western Countries: March 17 Update

    1. rick_jones

      It is a manifestation of Italy's desire to become known as a surfing nation. Why else would they catch wave, after wave, after wave ...

    2. D_Ohrk_E1

      KD's charts are just a tiny representation of reality.

      Deaths are increasing in large parts of Europe: Moldova, Estonia, Bulgaria, Hungary, Montenegro, Malta, Greece, Ukraine, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Czech Republic, North Macedonia, Poland, Serbia, and Romania.

      They're also soaring in Brazil, now closing in on 3K deaths per day, more than double from just one month ago.

  1. rick_jones

    Rank Population (Millions) Country Deaths/Day/Million
    1 10.69 Czechia 20.58
    2 5.46 Slovakia 17.83
    3 9.68 Hungary 14.87
    4 7.00 Bulgaria 12.75
    5 3.30 Bosnia and Herzegovina 9.43
    6 211.05 Brazil 8.35
    7 2.08 North Macedonia 7.13
    8 37.89 Poland 6.83
    9 4.04 Moldova 6.61
    10 6.86 Lebanon 6.40
    11 1.33 Estonia 6.25
    12 2.88 Albania 6.00
    13 60.55 Italy 5.41
    14 32.51 Peru 5.18
    15 10.10 Jordan 5.12
    16 1.91 Latvia 4.94
    17 1.81 Kosovo 4.81
    18 127.58 Mexico 4.78
    19 444.97 EU 4.71
    20 512.50 EU w/o Brexit 4.39
    21 10.47 Greece 4.39
    22 19.36 Romania 4.24
    23 329.06 US 4.06
    24 2.30 Botswana 4.03
    25 18.95 Chile 3.94
    45 67.53 United Kingdom 2.29

    1. PeteJ

      Ireland would be 2.9.
      It's interesting to compare Ireland to the UK because they have been tracking so closely for the past month (in case numbers and deaths) _despite_ the huge difference in vaccine rollouts.

      I wonder are the lock downs still playing a bigger role than the vaccines ?

  2. Silver

    In Sweden, we are seeing a very clear result of the vaccinations. Our case numbers are actually rising, and have been rising for quite a while, but deaths numbers continue to decline. This is especially obvious when looking at the care homes for the elderly, where the death curves have actually plummeted. Even case numbers are going down there, so vaccinations appear to have a clear effect on the spread as well.

    This might be the result of the policy to vaccinate the most vulnerable first, and only those health professionals directly involved in the care of them. The vaccination policies differ somewhat between various countries within the EU, with some prioritizing health workers higher than we have done.

  3. golack

    Looks like CovidActNow is running two days behind...

    Good News:
    Still have 9 places below 10 new cases/day/100K:
    WA, OR, CA, KS, MO, AR, NM, HI, PR. LA bouncing around just above 10 and CA still drifting lower.
    Bad news, WY and WI bumped back above 10.
    Worse news: Outbreak in MI: levels just shot above 25.
    Still bad news: NY, NJ and RI.
    Other news: TX may be plateauing ca. 16

    In general, cases overall are plateauing, hospitalizations still dropping, but not as quickly and deaths are still dropping too. Hot spots (states) aren't doing as well with hospitalizations, though vaccination levels are decent: 21 to 27%. There have been mentions of different variants taking off in some of the hot spots, but I don't have good citations for those--or precisely what the numbers mean.

    Also good to check the metro areas in CovidActNow--there are hot pockets everywhere, as well as so good things happening:
    Idaho Falls, ID at 60
    McAllen, TX at 58
    Poughkeepsie, NY at 47
    Cleveland (TN?) at 43
    Atlantic City, NJ at 42
    NYC (NY, NJ and PA) at 39
    Battle Creek, MI at 39

    Places better than 3.5 are found in TX, PR, WA, OR and WY.

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