Here’s the officially reported coronavirus death toll through May 18. The raw data from Johns Hopkins is here.
8 thoughts on “Coronavirus Growth in Western Countries: May 18 Update”
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Cats, charts, and politics
Here’s the officially reported coronavirus death toll through May 18. The raw data from Johns Hopkins is here.
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Oh for Christ's sake. I keep expecting the chart to slowly decline towards zero, but it just doesn't happen. This is so frustrating.
Welcome to last summer.
Republicans will do anything to keep us from getting to zero.
It's looking good, for the most part. Those downward trends could be heading downward faster, but it's better than shooting upwards.
. . . Except for Argentina, which seems to be stuck in a really awful second wave. That's where I wonder if seasonality is at work to some degree - it's getting into winter there. Uruguay got hit at the same time, although I suppose both of them could be getting hammered just by the bad luck of being relatively close to Brazil when this was all going down.
Speaking of which, Brazil thankfully seems to be down a lot from where the death rate was last month.
Further news from the not-quite antipodes:
CNN reported that infection rates are higher in states with lower vaccination rates. Alas, the article seems to have disappeared under the avalanche of updates...
It takes a few weeks before increases in vaccinations shows up in the numbers--masking shows up faster.
Anti-telephone game emphasis mine... 🙂
Hungary was the first country to join the MST3K (Medical Science Theatre 3000) club. Did so back on the 15th.
Rank Population (millions) Country Cumulative Deaths/Million
1 9.68 Hungary 3023
2 10.69 Czechia 2800
3 3.30 Bosnia and Herzegovina 2748
4 2.08 North Macedonia 2511
5 7.00 Bulgaria 2483
6 5.46 Slovakia 2244
7 11.54 Belgium 2145
8 2.08 Slovenia 2085
9 211.05 Brazil 2080 *
10 60.55 Italy 2056 *
11 32.51 Peru 2045
12 37.89 Poland 1898
13 67.53 United Kingdom 1895 *
14 4.13 Croatia 1880
15 329.06 US 1785 *
16 127.58 Mexico 1730 *
17 46.74 Spain 1701 *
18 10.23 Portugal 1663
19 65.13 France 1661 *
20 512.50 EU w/o Brexit 1644
21 50.34 Colombia 1635
22 444.97 EU 1606
23 44.78 Argentina 1603 *
24 19.36 Romania 1532
25 2.76 Lithuania 1495
26 4.04 Moldova 1495
27 4.25 Panama 1484
28 18.95 Chile 1476
29 2.96 Armenia 1469
30 10.04 Sweden 1425 *
31 8.59 Switzerland 1251 *
32 1.81 Kosovo 1232
33 1.91 Latvia 1196
34 11.51 Bolivia 1178
35 8.96 Austria 1172
36 43.99 Ukraine 1146
37 17.37 Ecuador 1144
38 4.00 Georgia 1126
39 6.86 Lebanon 1115
40 7.04 Paraguay 1108
41 10.47 Greece 1101
42 83.52 Germany 1038 *
43 17.10 Netherlands 1038
44 3.46 Uruguay 1034
45 11.69 Tunisia 1024
46 4.88 Ireland 1012
47 58.56 South Africa 945
48 82.91 Iran 935
49 1.33 Estonia 927
50 10.10 Jordan 920
51 2.88 Albania 846
52 145.87 Russia 786
53 8.77 Serbia 765
54 8.52 Israel 750
55 5.05 Costa Rica 728
56 4.98 West Bank and Gaza 690
57 37.41 Canada 668 *
*Currently or formerly tracked by Kevin
And the recent rates:
Rank Population (Millions) Country Deaths/Day/Million 7-dav Avg
1 3.46 Uruguay 15.27
2 44.78 Argentina 11.04 *
3 7.04 Paraguay 10.50
4 50.34 Colombia 9.99
5 1.39 Trinidad and Tobago 9.52
6 32.51 Peru 9.22
7 211.05 Brazil 9.14 *
8 4.13 Croatia 7.47
9 9.68 Hungary 7.15
10 3.30 Bosnia and Herzegovina 6.84
32 1366.42 India 3.04
33 60.55 Italy 2.87 *
34 83.43 Turkey 2.73
35 444.97 EU 2.72
36 4.04 Moldova 2.58
37 145.87 Russia 2.50
38 1.33 Estonia 2.48
39 10.69 Czechia 2.46
40 65.13 France 2.42 *
41 512.50 EU w/o Brexit 2.38
42 6.86 Lebanon 2.38
43 83.52 Germany 2.20 *
44 2.08 Slovenia 2.13
49 8.77 Serbia 1.89
50 329.06 US 1.82 *
51 11.54 Belgium 1.73
52 127.58 Mexico 1.59 *
53 2.30 Botswana 1.43
57 4.98 West Bank and Gaza 1.26
58 46.74 Spain 1.23 *
59 31.95 Malaysia 1.22
60 23.77 Sweden 1.20 *
61 37.41 Canada 1.17 *
62 6.42 Kyrgyzstan 1.14
63 17.58 Guatemala 1.11
82 270.63 Indonesia 0.534
83 8.59 Switzerland 0.515 *
84 216.57 Pakistan 0.426
103 112.08 Ethiopia 0.140
104 67.53 United Kingdom 0.133 *
105 2.17 Gabon 0.132