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Country’s most popular podcaster is a fan of horse meds for COVID

Great. This is just what we needed:

Rogan will almost certainly recover just fine from his bout with COVID-19, as nearly everyone does. This means that the country's most popular podcaster will be able to go around saying that he took ivermectin and he recovered in a few days. Everyone should try it!

Just great.

47 thoughts on “Country’s most popular podcaster is a fan of horse meds for COVID

      1. MontyTheClipArtMongoose

        Joe Rogan saw the writing on the wall when OutKucktheKoverage maestro KKKlay Travis got tabbed as the heir to El Rushbo on the EIB Network, & he's lashing out, trying anything to stay relevant so he can be Propaganda Minister in the Hawley-Gabbard National-Conservative regime instead of KKKlay.

        1. oakchairbc

          Sun is a staunch dense Socialist giving light and warmth to all regardless of social and economic status. Though there is no free lunch as one day Sun will run out of capitalist's hydrogen. Then Sun will collapse in on itself and set off a nuclear chain reaction that will envelope our solar system in Hell fire.

    1. Spadesofgrey

      He tries to act like a champion of the little people. There is the illusion. Ever seen the "woke" show Mr Robot??? There was a character in season 2/3 working for the chinko tranny, while he is going around saying he was the truth

  1. Jimm

    It's curious that every article plays up ivermectin, but some don't even mention he's also taking monoclonal antibodies, which have been shown to be highly effective at preventing disease progression to severe disease and death.

    In fact, it's even more curious just how silent the press has been about monoclonal antibodies overall, with everyone so desperate for a therapeutic, there's literally one very effective one we've had for many months, and research/studies to support it!

    1. iamr4man

      I’ve wondered in Kevin’s comment section why monoclonal antibody treatment isn’t offered immediately to everyone who tests positive. I’ve told everyone in my family that they should get it if they test positive. It seems like you have to be rich or already in the know to ask for it.
      It seems to me that the huge number of deaths now occurring are unnecessary.

      1. Jimm

        It is relatively expensive, but certainly something insurance should be covering, and likely the feds stepping in for any uninsured.

  2. D_Ohrk_E1

    He'll likely recover, not because most people recover, but because he demanded that he get everything -- monoclonal antibodies, antiviral, steroid -- which inherently will make him believe that the antiparasitics he took -- Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine -- were responsible for his recovery.

    Most of them don't have the guts to say no to monoclonal antibodies, antiviral, and steroid, to prove that antiparasitics actually work.

    1. Altoid

      Yeah, I saw he's apparently taking every damn thing anyone can think of. The antibodies are what'll work, but this way he can pick and choose whatever quack miracle is being touted by the time he comes up negative and help sell that. And say see, those pointy-headed medical a-holes don't know jack so why should you trust them-- just like his orange leader did.

      Antibody treatment is expensive, like $1500 a dose plus the cost of an infusion team on the job while it's going in. Color me skeptical that people who won't take a jab in the arm will sit still for a couple of hours with a needle stuck in a vein. And aren't there rumors about monoclonal antibodies being derived from fetal tissue, besides being developed by those demons in lab coats?

  3. Jimm

    Considering the record so far for monoclonal antibodies, Joe should be just fine, whether or not ivermectin is a placebo (and he's also taking z-pack antibiotics, which makes no sense, our medical establishment is obsessed with antibiotics, even when dealing with viral diseases, and this is to our detriment as a society as far as antibiotic resistance).

  4. oakchairbc

    The "horse medication" is a drug that is decades old and has been taken by hundreds of millions of people. It has had long term safety and health testing. The inventors of it won a Nobel prize for it. It is considered by the WHO as an "essential human medication".

    A meta-analysis of 15 non-corporate Randomized controlled placebo trials for Covid found " ivermectin reduced risk of death compared with no ivermectin (average risk ratio 0.38") and "ivermectin prophylaxis reduced COVID-19 infection by an average 86%"(1).

    Covid vaccines with never before used technology have no randomized controlled trials showing reduced mortality rates (in fact the Pfizer study has higher deaths in the vaccine group), they have had no long term or even mid term testing, have no independent RCT's, and are correlated with increase mortality worldwide.


    1. cld

      It seems the obvious guess would be that it's not acting directly against covid but against some incidental other condition which, with covid, would otherwise increase the chance of death.

    2. oakchairbc


      The studies found it reduced the chance of catching a Covid infection by 86%, and reduced deaths in those infected with Covid (RR was 0.38 for use of ivermectin).

      @ Citizen

      Maybe you should address the 15 Randomized studies posted that were published? Is a definition of "partisan hack" someone who refuses to discuss the evidence and instead throws out various logical fallacies? If so that would be you.

      @ James

      Go to the supplementary appendix table S4 page 12. The Vaccine group had more deaths and a 7% higher all cause mortality rate. When you come back apologize for using ad hominem, censorship, and cherry picking logical fallacies.

      1. Spadesofgrey

        Like you aren't doing censorship. Nothing you said was a study. They just made it up to create a dialectical illusion. That is censorship.

      2. Loxley

        Yes, obviously you understand all this better than the AMA, the NIH, the CDC, Dr. Fauci, and my doctor.

        Do you not see the comical stupidity and hypocrisy of using "science" to back up your position, and then ignore the actual science experts?

        No, of course not.

        1. oakchairbc

          "Yes, obviously you understand all this better than the AMA, the NIH, the CDC, Dr. Fauci, and my doctor."

          Your comment is what is called an appeal to authority logical fallacy.

          "Do you not see the comical stupidity and hypocrisy"

          Your comment is what is called an ad hominem logical fallacy.

          " using "science" to back up your position, and then ignore the actual science experts?"

          Science is about using logic, evidence, and testing hypotheses which is what I am doing. What you are doing is using logical fallacies which is what religion and Trump does.

          "LOL Tell that to Florida...."

          I found the Covid vaccination rates per state because you couldn't bother to do it.
          America 63%
          Florida 63%

          I don't know what I should tell Florida but I'll tell you to try making a response that contains at least some substance.

          1. Jasper_in_Boston

            We have way more than clinical studies at this point, we have the real world evidence of hundreds of millions of people who have been vaccinated. Serious illness and death rates are dramatically, miraculously lower among vaccinated people than unvaccinated people.

          2. oakchairbc

            @ Jasper

            "We have way more than clinical studies at this point, "

            You have so many studies then post some and spare the internet from another argument from ignorance fallacy. Your comment is the functional equivalent to when Trump says "everyone says".

            "we have the real world evidence of hundreds of millions of people who have been vaccinated."

            The real world data shows that overall when counties start mass Covid vaccinations all cause mortality rates increase. Countries with higher Covid Vaccine rates have overall higher all cause mortality rates.
            Israel, Mongolia, Seychelles, Iceland and other countries now has more Covid cases than before Vaccinations. In the real world Covid cases increase after Vaccination as would be expected by anyone who read the corporate trails because those trials found that the first 4-6 weeks the vaccinated group had 40% more symptomatic Covid infections. Luckily for the drug corporations that data was excluded from the efficacy data.


            "Serious illness and death rates are dramatically, miraculously lower among vaccinated people"

            According to the Pfizer data the vaccinated group had higher death rates and overall worse outcomes.

  5. Manhattan123

    Didn't this creep once host a game show where contestants ate worms as part of a series of gross challenges? Maybe he actually needs the dewormer.

    1. MontyTheClipArtMongoose


      Joe Rogan is a regular Mike Richards, failing up at every turn. From worst cast member on NewsRadio (a show featuring Andy Dick), to Man Show 2.0 host (w/ Doug Stanhope after Adam Carolla & Jimmy Kimmel outgrew the show's budget), to Fear Factor, & finally a POGBLASGK that Spotify paid 100 million to take sole control of.

  6. Justin

    Has anyone died from this drug? I think all the rubes should use it. So what if they get sick? It’s a win!

    Y’all just have to let this go. Let the unvaccinated get sick. Let them take whatever drugs they want. Let them run around without masks. Stay away from them. Your pre-covid lifestyle is gone. It’s time to make peace with it.

    1. gesvol

      The problem is that the unvaccinated then fill our hospitals to over capacity and suddenly it becomes difficult for any of us to get proper health care, unvaccinated and vaccinated alike (and whether we need health care for Covid or something else).

      If this was just about individual risk (and honestly a lot of the anit-vax conservative argument boils down to this), I think at this point I would be the same, ok you all can take your chances. But there's community risk as well.

  7. Loxley

    I'm fine with right-wing nutjobs mediating themselves- as long as they continue to pay for real healthcare for everyone else- I mean, they are part of the reason that it's so damn expensive.

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