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Does anyone remember that Joe Biden broke his foot?

The Wall Street Journal editorial page continues its endless tedious jihad about Joe Biden being old and infirm:

When the New York Post asked why Mr. Biden has taken to wearing tennis shoes with his suits, this was the comment from deputy press secretary Andrew Bates: “I know y’all aren’t partial to presidents who exercise, but don’t worry—you’ll get used to it.” More likely they’re afraid the President will fall.

Does anyone even remember that Biden broke his foot in 2020 right after the election? It's healed, but it's been painful ever since. He also suffers from neuropathy in his feet—and as a fellow victim I can tell you this is no joke. I don't wear dress shoes anymore either.

As best as I can tell, Biden has several physical impairments: pain and neuropathy in his feet, arthritis in his spine, and a lack of dexterity in his larynx. But he doesn't seem to have any mental issues at all, which is more than I can say for Donald Trump these days.

46 thoughts on “Does anyone remember that Joe Biden broke his foot?

  1. CAbornandbred

    I'm 74 and I have back problems, slight numbness in my feet, heart rhythm irregularities, and sleep apnea. And my mind is as sharp as ever. People in their 70/s have aches and pains and wear and tear. It's not unexpected.

  2. Altoid

    I've mentioned that broken foot a few times when people have been talking about how he moves, and they'd all forgotten about it until I brought it up. It was in the covid years and I think almost everybody is actively memory-holing everything about that whole period.

    And btw, does anyone remember that JFK had both severe back pain and Addison's disease, though only in his 40s? Not every president has been the robust embodiment of glowing athleticism that was trump in office.

    My dad wore only tennis shoes for the last 15 years of his life-- always red-- and probably for similar reasons. Biden could do a lot worse than a fashion bagatelle, no matter how absolutely dreadful it might seem to WSJ's A&F crowd.

  3. Joseph Harbin

    "Does anyone remember that Joe Biden broke his foot?"

    Now you tell me. I guess I might have read about that in the new NY Times interview with the prez, but apparently I may have to wait. Meanwhile, the Times has other important matters covered, including two podcast episodes on the new Taylor Swift album, along with three articles on the new (look at that) Taylor Swift album, including one questioning if Swift has finally given her fans "too much," another saying her "abundance" is yielding diminishing returns, and a deeply researched piece by aspiring music critic Ross Douthat (he quotes from a tweet by an Andreessen Horowitz venture capitalist) that concludes "Taylor Swift needs to become other people" (seriously).

    A.G. Sulzberger issued a statement to say the Times will gladly remind the public that Joe Biden broke his foot as soon as he gives an interview to the independent journalists at the NY Times. He added that the Times will revert to glowing coverage of Taylor Swift's career as soon as she also gives an interview to the Times and renounces the Democratic Party and all its works.

    1. ColBatGuano

      That Douthat column was something. His biggest desire was Swift and Kelce getting married and inspiring a (white) baby boom.

    1. bethby30

      I know several younger adults who have back problems or arthritis from sports injuries. It’s not just us older folks (see Crissa’s comment below). Too bad our media can’t tell the difference between bone and brain problems. I keep thinking today’s political journalists would have destroyed FDR.

      As for Biden’s voice, has anyone listened to RFK Jr? He has the voice of a very old man. Apparently he has spasmodic dysphonia but that doesn’t change how terrible he sounds. The media doesn’t give Biden a pass for his stutter which is a proven neurological disorder ( as is spasmodic dysphonia) but the media doesn’t give Biden a pass for his stutter so they shouldn’t give RFK one either.

  4. lawnorder

    One of the big reasons why us old timers tend to be grumpy is because most of us hurt in one or more parts of our bodies most of the time. Biden actually deals with his various ailments with remarkable equanimity.

  5. Crissa

    I'm not that old, but I ran over my foot with my motorcycle last fall and though I didn't break anything it's been quite an annoyance to get my full range of motion back, It still hurts if I try standing on my toes...

    Getting older means things take longer and longer to heal, assuming they ever will.

      1. VirginiaLady16

        Well said. I generally wake up in the morning stiff as a board, and very early. I figure if it hurts, I’m probably still alive.

        For confirmation, I open my eyes and look up and am daily gratified to see “ceiling white” paint.

        The alternative would be tree roots.

  6. Dana Decker

    Set aside the broken foot and look only at the other ailments: neuropathy in his feet, arthritis in his spine, lack of dexterity in his larynx, and ask yourself, Should someone aged 80 (after the 2022 mid-terms) with those symptoms run for re-election or step aside and give Democrats 2 years to come up with a younger, healthier candidate?

    What's done is done, but like Biden and Ruth Bader Ginsburg, age, health and actuarial tables must be considered seriously. Sotomayor should take heed.

    1. chumpchaser

      Sure, right after you give us an example of a sitting president doing that and keeping the White House for their party. Thanks.

  7. bethby30

    There is no comparison. RBG had had bouts with hard to cure cancer; Biden is remarkably healthy and fitter than many younger politicians. Also if something happens to Biden in office he has a well qualified VP to take his place despite what the media wants us to think. (The big risk is if something were to happen between now and the election). Foreign policy expert David Rothkopf was very impressed after a meeting with Harris. I was surprised to learn that she made many successful foreign trips during her time as VP (Africa, Southeast Asia for example). Rothkopf found her to be impressive — very well-informed on the issues — and he knows what he is talking about. Too bad all our political media was interested in was reporting on things like her giggle — a term that is never used about a man.

    1. Dana Decker

      With regard to Biden, it's not how you and other informed people feel about his health, but how the voting public will react to his slow shuffling walk (and related symptoms). As to Harris, she's not very popular and having her as a backup for Biden is not a vote-getter.

      Harris might be fine "despite what the media wants us to think" but guess what? The media will affect people's thinking, and not in a good way. Can Biden/Harris change "what the media wants us to think"? I doubt it. How would they do that?

  8. lsanderson

    Well! At least he's avoided the terrible, terrible, terrible fatale fashion faux pas of wearing a tan suit so far.

  9. Five Parrots in a Shoe

    Fun fact: just a couple days ago, while A.G. Sulzberger was still fuming about the fact that Biden's people were being insufficiently deferential while attempting to set up an interview with the NYT, Biden actually did an interview with . . . Howard Stern.

    1. emjayay

      It's the new serious Howard though, not the old naughty boy one. (He was always smart and informed, just used that persona for laughs and ratings.)

    1. iamr4man

      "Kristi Noem isn't afraid to challenge the status quo,
      and neither should we be. This book is the perfect
      blueprint for young Americans on how to move our nation forward and restore greatness in our
      country. The time is now."
      Athlete, Advocate, Woman

      1. iamr4man

        "The reminder we need in these dark days to never lose hope in America. Get
        ready to be inspired!"
        Co-host of Fox and Friends Weekend

      1. emjayay

        Oh, so links work here. They don't work in some comments elsewhere. Well, that's another positive. Glass half full.

        There's a cartoon about end of life for a dog posted elsewhere that brought tears to my eyes (and other commenter's too). Posting images doesn't seem to work here.

        Glass a little under half full.

    2. Salamander

      Hey, I have murdered every last one of my cats. Via the vet, but giving the order to euthanize is the same as pulling the trigger. I don't regret it.

      1. cld

        But you didn't shoot them in the head because they were having too much fun while waiting for the kids school bus, and then drag the family goat over to the spot shoot him too because you were on a roll.

        1. Salamander

          No, I dislike goats enough that I don't have one and never intend to. Plus, they'd be very unwelcome in this residential area (as would be anything more powerful than an air pistol -- and that would be borderline, too.)

  10. Martin Stett

    I know it's on a level with Obama's tan suit, but our most serious journalists think it matters, so . . .
    Cop walking shoes. They're dressy on top but built on walking/running shoe soles, so they can ease an all day pounding.
    Of course then there'll be something else just as bitchy to whine about.

    1. emjayay

      There are various versions of dress shoes built for comfort, or with thick replaceable insoles that can even be replaced with something custom made for particular foot problems.

      Our fine right wing media would just focus on Biden's fake dress shoes with the thick soles.

      Biden should talk about his arthritis etc. a bit. But his people do seem to be better at this stuff than for example Clinton's in her campaign. They posted a Xit with photos of Biden and Harris with their dogs.

    1. Salamander

      Any negative health update would be spun by Reublicans as "whining" and by the infotainment media as "admission of unfitness for office."

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